Chapter 15 - Conflicted Feelings

Start from the beginning

Serena managed to sound frustrated, too tired of the bickering to pretend otherwise. "Ash, that's enough!"

Drew challenged it, the respective glare of his green eyes appearing, but grinned tauntingly all the same. "Why does it matter what I said. You don't care about this, right? Or am I missing something?"

"I do-" Drew grin widened at his realization pause and Ash's fist clenched around his shirt tightly. It seemed like he'd tear it effortlessly and spoke up to convince himself or everyone else—which of the two he didn't know. "No, I don't."

Drew was taken back by the switch up and scoffed. "Then your technique shouldn't matter to you. You'll be leaving her anyway in—what was it? A week."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter, but I don't need some show off getting in my face about it, man. I don't need you saying jack shit to me," Ash barked, shoving Drew back who managed to keep his balance. "Serena's my teacher and she's doing a damn great job."

"She is. As expected," Drew agreed smoothly with a shrug. "I can imagine you couldn't dance a step before she got to you. The sad part is, you could actually be good if you put effort into learning."

"I am putting effort in. What did you think I was doing?"

"Real effort—," Drew deadpanned, tilting his head to Serena. "—to actually do this with her."

Serena sighed and shook her head, her hands sliding through her hair. "Drew, it's fine. It's just... a punishment. I don't expect Ash to-" She paused as her words caught up in her throat. She didn't expect what? For him to care or try? Ash didn't do things without trying, even if he considered it to be foolish.

His words from the other night lingered in her mind.

I'm not planning on putting half amount of effort into this. I'll prove to you by the end of this that I'm an amazing dancer.

"The hell does this guy know?" Ash moved his heated gaze from Drew to the clock and the furl on his brow faded as he noticed the time. He snatched his bag off of the floor and went towards the door. "We've already gone over time. I'm heading out."

The door shut, the sound bouncing off the walls as silence stayed in the air. Serena had watched the whole scene and then sighed, leaning her head against the wall. Ash had left in a huff and she couldn't exactly be surprised. She tries to put on a calm face and her voice echoes through.

"I guess it might be my turn to apologize."

"Pardon?" It was May this time. Her eyes flew to her and she walked over, gently grabbing her shoulders to get her attention. "Serena, you have nothing to apologize for. Not with the way he's been treating you and as his teacher, you honestly deserve better."

Drew sighed, nodding. "That, I do agree. If anyone needs to apologize, it should be me, but based on how he's been acting, I simply refuse."

May looked at him—analyzed him and tried to read her boyfriend which she was usually good at, but or some reason, her mind was blank. "Drew, why did you do that?" She asked, her voice soft. "You know he's been giving Serena a hard time."

"That's precisely why I did it." He didn't look disturbed or impressed. His jaw clenched as he puts his words together. "Acting as if he can do whatever he pleases. For the top basketball player here, he acts like the best when he's a complete amateur at something he's not so much of a star at."

May makes an understanding face and she smirks, leaning towards her boyfriend. "So what I'm hearing is you were feeling competitive?"

Drew turned his face away from her. "No. Competitive would imply I viewed him as being even remotely on my level, which he isn't."

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