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After Wilbur left my house i felt relived? no not really well kind of because i did distract him from his emotions but i felt like i was falling in love, which wasn't a surprise because i really did love him and he was such a cute and quirky character and also i empathised for him because Annie was a total bitch to him for no reason what so ever and she is like that to many people including myself but sometimes i just snap and hit her because fuck that bitch she's a fuckin psycho or really really self centered either way i hate her and many other people do. I hung around down stairs scrolling through Pinterest for a while looking at (your interests) until i got disturbed by this horrible Shrek like monster with a bad vibe and horrible breathe walked in 

"How was your 'daate' with Wilbur" Annie said putting date into heavy air quotes 

"It wasn't a 'daaate' we were just hanging out oookk?" I said using the same tone of voice that she used to talk to me 

"Oh well i saw the way he looked at you, like a love sick little puppy, aww you know he's a mega fuckin simp right?" Annie said judging Wilbur for being a simp and well people do judge simps well sometimes don't blame her because i do sometimes judge them but this was different Wilbur is my friend and he's a really sweet guy and my crush ha ha 

"Ok?? do i care?? at least he's not a pedo or an internet whore" I said rolling my eyes and going back on my phone and internally laughing because i love pissing Annie off by calling her random names and i made the latest one *cough cough* INTERNET WHORE amazing right? i know (i though of it on the spot) 

"Did you just fuckin call me what i think you called me? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME?" Annie said getting all mad and pointing at me like i just murdered her pet goat and stole the ass she doesn't have and can't shake for the sake of her life 

"I called you and i quote "An Internet Whore" end quote now do you have a problem with me exposing the truth?" I said looking her dead in the eyes and i think she was taken a back by my confidence and the wise words i chose because well i don't usually confront people but she, she's an exception my little exception and no one can blame me really except her simps and followers and her very clicky group of hot friends and yes her friends are hot and quite nice >:D

"I- um.. I- um you just what?" Annie said sounding so confused because i guess she was taken a back by what i was saying 

"I spoke up" I said looking back at her and she just looked at me like a stunned mullet 

"Um i- ok" Annie said and she didn't move after that she just stood there looking like she had been hypnotised 


"Oh shit Charlies calling byyee bitch" I said pushing passed Annie with my phone 

"Hey bitch whats up?" I said 

"Nothing much what about you quan how are you, what have you been doing SPIIL THE TEEEAA" Charlie said yelling at me and well she's done this for years we've been friends since we were 4 and i have never caught a break

So i told her all about Wilbur and i as i paced my room 

"NO DON'T TELL FERN NOO" I yelled at Charlie and Fern was the oldest in our SMP she was a mother figure to all of us and she was only 29 but we all love her like a mother and same as her chat but she does act like one 

"FIIIINE DOES ANY ONE ELSE KNOW??" Charlie said getting all nosey as usual 

"LYNN SHE KNOWS I TOLD THEM A WHILE AGO and Annie might know?" I said kind of questioning it 

"WHAT OH NOO" Charlie said 

We talked for a while till Annie came into my room and i forced her out of it by being a total BITCH (cause we love being bad bitches) 

After lousing around i decided to change into my pj's because i could y'know who was going to stop me and when i looked up i saw something? 

"Is that?" I said walking over to it and i knocked it 

"Oh fluff ok phew thought it was a spider" I said walking away and leaving my bedroom to go annoy Annie and write a letter to the president of the USA telling him why i should be the president and if not i will commit war crimes..


hey hope you all are good sorry for the short chapter motivation is ded 

love you all <3 um There Is A Light That Never Goes Out helps with writing and drawing idk why you need to know that but now you do and listen to 'Diet Culture' by Brye its good 

byeee stay safe discords in my bio 

866 words <3

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