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"So Y/n and i where a-" Lynn started but i put my hand over their mouth because no one needed to know why we both jumped out of a window 

"NO" I said looking at her with wide eyes because once again no one and i mean NOT A SINGLE SOUL needed to know what happened that night when we were at their house 

"HEHEHEHHEH" Lynn started to chuckle from under my hand 

"Y/n what happened that night?" Spider said as they put their hands together in like a triangle shape and raising her eyebrows 

"Mmmh yes Y/n please elaborate" Chandler said copying them 

"Dearest Y/n may you please let poor Lynn explain what happened that night" Jamie said doing the same thing as everyone else and they all stared at us waiting for me to let Lynn explain 

"MMh mhh MMMHHH MMH" Lynn mumbled wanting me to let her speak as they used rapid hand gestures explaining that they want to be speak right now 

"MMMh i really don't want to re live this story but we all have to make choices for our friends" I said nodding my head as Lynn agreed with me

"Do you mean sacrifices?" Jamie said looking at me weirdly 

"No choices" Spider said nodding 

"Choices" Chandler said joining in to back me up with my bad englishing skills 

"Thank you, you great englisher backer upers" I said smiling knowing my englising skills  (So sorry if its hard to understand or read my apologies) 

"All good Y/n now Lynn tell us what happened on that dreadful night Y/n does not want to talk about" Chandler said looking very intrigued about what happened on that dreadful night 

"aaaaah wwwwhhhyyy?" I said very reluctant to share what happened on that night 

"I am very curious about that night that you don't want to talk about" Chandler said raising his eyebrows and looking at me menacingly

"Ahhhh ok ok i give in i give in here is what happened on that dreadful night that i never want to talk about" I said  as released my hand from Lynn's mouth  

"Hahahaha oh Y/n you shouldn't have done that SO it was about a year ago and we just got home from shopping and we went to my house of course because of the demon downstairs ok so ha ha um anyway so we got to my house and we started mucking around and Y/n started to chase me around and i went into the kitchen and i was cornered and then i jumped out the FIRST story kitchen window and then Y/n followed me then we jumped back in and i had a bright idea to put a matress in my backyard and jump out of my bedroom window and Y/n said 'noo you might break a boone' and i knew that so i jumped out the window and landed safely and then i made Y/n jump out and she landed safely and then rolled off the mattress it was soo funny and fun" Lynn said giggling as i put my head in my hands and shook my head 

"AAAH Y/N YOU JUMPED OUT OF A FUCKIN WINDOW?" Spider yelled looking very shocked 

"YES" I yelled back

"Woooah never knew Y/n took risks like that hhm how knew Lynn they knew all along because she is sneaky" Chandler said squinting his eyes at them 

"Daauum Y/n we need to jump out if a window together why? why the fuck not see my logic is the best logic" Jamie said hitting his heart chest thing 

"Yes yes we now do, uum how about noon on a Friday night that sound good?" I said checking my watch that wasn't there because i don't wear watches 

"Yep sounds good" Jamie said nodding his head 

"Ok co-

"Y/n" Annie said as she barged into my room...


heyy finished another chapter sorry its short haven't had much motivation this week i went on a date it was great hope you all are well love you all so much stay cool/warm and safe 

bye bye 

774 words 

some pigeon pics <3 and yes that is me and discord server is in my bio 

some pigeon pics <3 and yes that is me and discord server is in my bio 

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