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i- um i don't think i want to read this out loud" I said putting my phone away 

"WHAT WHAT WHAT DOES IT SAY TELL US PLEEEASE" Spider whined begging to know what he said to me 

"NOPE NOPE" I said sounding weird and kind of like a greasy discord mod 

"Y/N WHAT DID HE SAY Y/N ARE YOU ALIVE?" Chandler yelled trying to see if i was still alive and somehow i was still alive i just sunk into my chair slowly 

"SHE IS ALIVE BUT SUNK IN HER CHAIR" Jamie said pointing to god knows what 

"Chaaaiiiir" I said as i rose back to where i was originally sitting 

"AH YES chaaaiiiir" Spider said copying me 

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys?" Chandler said looking kinda worried 

"A lot i must say" I said sitting back normally in my chair like a normal person 

"You change to quickly" Jamie said giving me a weird look 

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" I said giving him the same weird look 

"You just went from looking like a slug to looking like a normal person" Jamie said squinting his eyes at me and silently judging me 

"Fuck you, you always look like a slug" I said judging him 'silently' yeeah silently totally 

"BTICH" Jamie said looking very offended 

"ACHOO ACHOO SHIT UGH I JUST SNEEZED TWICE WITH OUT MY CONSENT" I yelled not happy that i sneezed because lets just agree sneezing is very impractical 

"How does it feel Y/n to be built like a bus driver?" Jamie said tilting his head to the side 

"OOH NO HE DIDN'T" Chandler said gasping and looking very shocked because he knew someone was going to throw hands from across the screen 

"HOLD UP HOL UP I WANT TO GET SOME POPCORN"  Spider said making us wait but she stayed when they heard me clear my throat 

"Ehem how does it feel to be built like the bus?" I said doing the same head tilt that he did and when i said what i said his jaw dropped to the floor and looked frozen in place 

"Biiiitch imma go to your house and throw HANDS AT YOU" Jamie said getting all pissed off 

"WHAT THE FUUCK WAS THAT IMMA THROW HANDS AT YOU" I said impersonating him because he lunged forward when he said he was going to 'ThRoW hAnDs' at me because he's suck and Alpha Male 

"BIITCH YOU FUCKIN EERG" Jamie said opening his eyes really wide as he stared straight in the camera 


"HAHAHA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHA ALPHA MALE AWOOGA" Spider said sounding like a male as she awoogaed in a low voice 

"WHAT THE FUUUCK HAHHAAA HAHA WOO WOO OK OK I'M GOOD I THINK" Chandler said laughing his ass off 

"WOOOH OK the friendly drama is over ok ok phew were all good" I said trying not to break out laughing again 

"Ok now thats over WHAT DID THE TEXT SAY HM HM WE NEED TO KNOW Y/N SPILL THE FUCKIN TEA BITCH WE NEED TO KNOW" Jamie said as he whispered in the mic 

"AH i hate that sound so fuckin much its just arg and ugh um ill send it to you guys on the GC because i don't need the whole fuckin world to know what he said to me y'know its kind of private and yeeah none of the whole worlds business but typing it is better than saying it right? yeah yeah ok ok" I said as i typed out the message that he wrote me... 


Annie made me go downstairs i didn't see the problem with me being upstairs with her she was just so beautiful and i couldn't help but admire her and her beauty but Annie saw a problem and escorted me downstairs

"Wilbur why were you with Y/n?" Annie asked looking very serious and stern 

"I wanted to check up on her?" I said trying to make it sound believable and not that i think she is really cute and i want to get closer to her and thats why i'm hanging out with her because thats totally not the reason because why would it be ha hah ah 

"Why would you want to check up on her she's fine i check up on her very so often" Annie said looking at me like i had three heads and i felt kind of embarrassed and silly for what i did 

"i-i'm sorry but i don't see why your so mad" I said kind of quietly because i didn't want her to yell at me because i felt like she was about to scream my head off 

"why i'm mad WHY I AM MAD SHE IS MY SISTER MY ANNOYING, UGLY, LOSER I INVITED YOU TO HANG OUT WITH ME AND MEET WITH ME AND NOT GAWK AND 'CHECK UP' ON MY SISTER SHE IS NOTHING SHE DOES NOT DESERVE OUR TIME OR YOUR TIME SO WHY WOULD YOU CHECK UP ON HER SHE IS A LITERAL NOBODY" Annie yelled at me looking so pissed off and i could feel tears welling up in my eyes as i somehow managed to speak without crying 

"I'm g-gonna g-go h-home i have stuff to d-do thank you" I said holding back my tears as i quickly ran upstairs to say goodbye to Y/n i felt bad as i saw her face kind of droop when she saw my sad expression but i pushed down my feelings and walked back downstairs happy i got her number then left 

I drove home and once i pulled into my driveway i felt a single tear roll down my cheek then i quickly ran inside and i sat on the floor and cried my eyes out 

after i finished crying and redeemed myself i got the courage to message Y/n and after a bit of talking i messaged her this 

'I just thought you needed to know that your sister yelled at me and called you annoying, ugly and a loser she was being a bitch to me i just thought you would like to know" I said and then sent the message and i got a quickish reply 

'Omg i am so sorry to hear that don't worry ill make sure to deal with this so sorry again <3'... 


heyo finished another chapter wooh so yeah hope you all are happy and well 

most things are good my arm hurts cause i went for a swim so ow um its hot as fuck it was 35 degrees Celsius so hot as balls i am snapping my crush so yeah 

hope you enjoyed this long chapter 

1138 words <3 

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