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After i messaged Wilbur about what i had or had not done ha ha i sat around and a waited the arrival of my friend Lynn who i had known for a good few years, she moved from Romania to England a few years ago for personal reasons which i haven't heard about yet but whenever they are ready she will tell me

"OOOH we have another person joining uss" Spider said squinting their eyes 

"yyeah she will be here in a minute oh HERE THEY ARE OUR GREAT FRIEND or well my friend LYNN" I said smiling and giving my friend a warm welcome, they were a little bit shy at first but when she got comfortable WHOO they are very chaotic, she has dark brown hair with bleached bangs and she has a brown eye and the other is slightly grey because she was in a fire accident as a child and on the topic of being in a fire accident they are blind in their left eye and her left arm is covered in burn marks but  they wear arm gloves to cover them up 

"Hii" Lynn said as she sat down next to me 

"HEELLOOO" Spider yelled as she waved to them 

"Hello Sofia is it ok if i call you that?" Lynn said tilting her head a bit 

"Yeah of course not many people do but its cool" Spider said giving them a thumbs up 

"Hi Lynn I'm Chandler" Chandler said waving as she waved back 

"Aaand I'm Jamie nice too meet you" Jamie said waving as they waved back 

"Hi its very nice to meet you all" She said smiling 

"Ok now Y/n do we have another LGBT" Jamie said cupping his hands over his mouth and kind of echoed his voice

"Do we?" I said looking at Lynn as they nodded and i took that as that she was confutable to talk about their sexuality 

"Ok yes YES we do they aare" I said looking at her with a smile as she decided to announce her sexuality 

"Asexual" They said smiling and doing little jazz hands

"YAAY WOOOH" Spider said vibing in Pansexual solidarity 

"AYYY WELCOME TO THE FAMILY" Chandler said also vibing but in Gay solidarity aka MLM 

"WOOOH THANK YOU LYNN" Jamie said clapping in Bisexual solidarity 

"All good thank you all for being so welcoming" She said smiling and looking at me 

"Yeeah were all a lil  bit fruity" I said smiling and twirling in my chair and doing a little hand thingy as well 

"Ok Lynn we are going to play a little game that i call GUESS THE NUMBER ok so close your eyes and guess" Spider said as Lynn closed one of her eyes Spider looked a bit confused 

"Um aren't you suppose to close both eyes?" Spider said looking a bit confused and i started to panic because forgot that they didn't know Lynn was blind in one eye 

"Oh i'm blind in my left eye so i only close one of my eyes" Lynn said smiling and pointing to her grey eye and as Spider stared in shock because she felt so bad and they really regrated what they said 

"I was in a fire accident" Lynn said waving it off and slightly chuckling as Spider put their hand to their mouth because she felt so bad and everyone else fell silent even me 

"OH MY I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW I THOUGHT YOU WERE BORN WITH OT AAAA I AM SO SORRY AGAIN I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE MEAN I AM SO SORRY LYNN" Spider said panicking because she though she pissed them off but i don't think they did 

"Its ok really don't worry Sofia, i thought it was kind of funny personally but don't feel bad" Lynn said smiling and they didn't seem fazed by the confusion 

"Ok thank you so much but i still feel bad ok do we want to try that again oor noo?" Spider said squinting her eyes to get a better 'feel' of the room which no one understand why she does it but she just does 

"No" Jamie said as he started to sip his water from his sippy cup 

"Nada" Chandler said staring into space 

"That means nothing" I said staring at him because he just randomly said nothing which was lokey weird 

"Nu" Lynn said waving her hand like people do when they say no? idk how to explain it i'm not very good at it (i am really not .-.) 

"Ok um Chandler are you alright?" I asked because he was staring into nada (it means nothing) and i was getting a wi bit worried 

"Nnnn yyyee-a mmmh i don't know but there is a moon picture in my room and i don't know when or how it got there but it is there and it kind of freaking me out and i know i shouldn't be freaked out by a picture of a moon that randomly appeared in my room but i am" Chandler said quietly as he started at it and eventually got up and got it 

"What the fuck?" I said confused as i started at it

"Whhaat? thats weird, more weird than me carrying band aids and food in my pockets" They said nodding as i joined nodding with them 

"Mhh i want to jump out of my window because i can right now y'know?" I said thinking out loud 

"Oooh yeeah i-"

"You have jumped out of a window before" Lynn and i said at the same time as everyone stared at us in shock 

"WHat the fuck?" Spider said looking concerned...


hello i am back with pictures of my cat, hope you all are well, my arm is looking like an arm, hello Mary if your reading this and i am going to the mall with my crush on Tuesday soo yeeah 

bye bye and stay safe lovies xx (discord server in my bio :D ) 

1066 words 

1066 words 

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