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                            Cole pov

          I sat on my couch before hearing a knock on the door. I quickly got up and looked through the peep hole. Kai was on the other side but something was in his hand I shrugged and opened the door. He smiled brightly at me I returned it. He coughed and handed me what was in his hands it was a bouquet of roses. I was speechless he chuckled at my lose of words. And before you come at me yes I know that I am the top in this relationship but he is very flirty. Anyway I grabbed the flowers thanking him after.

        I let Kai into my apartment and he sighed shutting the door behind him. Kai looked at me "Okay Cole I just wanted to say..." he paused "I am sorry for the way I reacted, It made me mad because she was looking at you like you were an object, and I'm sorry that I just left you like that. I hope you forgive me and Cole I love you and I know we just started dating but it's true I love yo-" before he could say I love you another time I kissed him. I pulled him in by the waist. Which caught him by surprise but soon after he kissed back smiling into the kiss. Kai wrapped his arms around my neck before pulling away for air.

        I rested my forehead against his and kissed his nose before laughing. I pulled away, I pulled him to the couch which he flipped down and pulled me with him. My head landed on his lap and he began to play with my hair. I smiled as he picked out a movie. Not just any movie a Disney movie. Also known as my favorite movies ever. But of course there was no way he knew that. He watched my eyes lit up and he laughed "wanna watch stitch?" He asked and I leaned up "that's my favorite movie" I said narrowing my eyes "I know" he said and shrugged. I sighed and nodded "I wanna watch stitch" he smiled and clicked on it since he was already hovering over it.

We were halfway through the movie when I started to fall asleep. I turned my head away from the movie and was met with Kai's crotch area so I turned back around to look at the movie gulping as I prayed to God he didn't notice. But my prayers seemed to fail when he chuckled "your that embarrassed awe that's so cute?" Kai announced. (So Kai is a flirty bottom although my next story Cole will be bottom) My blush darkened as I hid my face in my hands. Kai grabbed my hands and pried them off my face. He smirked as he bent down to kiss me on the lips. I gasped before I kissed back. I leaned up as he put my hands on his waist and he moved his to my neck.

    I pulled away taking deep breaths while he did the same. We both were smiling at each other. I looked at the movie and then Kai before laying my head back down on Kai's lap. I sighed as I watched the movie. Kai laid down pulling my up to lay on his chest. (Tops can be little spoon and stuff too) I slowly closed my eyes as I began to fall asleep. The last thing I remember was the feeling of Kai's hand messing with my hair.

                             Kai pov

       I smiled as I saw Cole sleep peacefully. I played with his hair before I decided to switch the move to something else as it was almost over with anyways. I switched it to Deadpool as it was one of my favorite movies. In the middle of the movie I began to drift off so I grabbed a blanket to put over us and fell asleep.

I woke up an hour or so later just because I felt Cole stirring on me and I smiled as he was now laying on my chest. I went back to sleep shortly after as there was no reason to stay up.

I woke up in the morning wondering what to do as I waited for Cole to wake up. How did I know when he woke up well let's just say he moves a lot. When he woke up he started wiggling like I was forcefully holding him down. Don't ask how I know what that is like. Anyway when Cole looked up at him he had the biggest and cutest eyes I've ever seen like a puppy. I sighed as he began to sit up in the side of the couch so he didn't sit on me. I smiled and leaned up with him kissing his cheek sifting before standing up.

      When I stood up I immediately started towards the kitchen to get some food not caring what it was just food as I was starving. When I reached the kitchen I began opening cabinets as I was trying to see what he had. I snickered to myself as I found Frosted Flakes. I grabbed them then walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk. After I sat the milk down I sighed uncapping feeling Cole come up behind me grabbing a bowl for me. I smiled as I grabbed the Frosted Flakes since it is just wrong to put milk before cereal. When I finished pouring the cereal I poured the milk.

    I then grabbed my bowl after Cole took the milk from me to make himself cereal well pour it but you know what I mean. I was about to take a bite of cereal but I felt my phone vibrate. I opened it, it was a text from Skylar.

S- Still on for tonight 😉😘

   I chuckled typing a reply knowing it was a joke. I jumped as I heard shattering of a bowl behind me..

  (Sure thing ❤️)—>send message —>

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