Date night

244 9 33

Kai Pov

I smiled to myself as I laid in bed I had asked Cole out on a date! I had just finished texting him when I was getting out of the shower. Yes I text while in the shower I am that kind of guy. I have a feeling I'm a little weird. But then again everyone is weird in their own way some people just hide it better.

I shrugged as I continued to smile we were going on a date tomorrow and I can't wait. I am so excited I could stay awake all night. Spoiler alert I fell asleep an hour later.

When I woke up it was 9:00 A.M I have to wait forever! I have until 2:30 to leave he will probably leave around 2:40 I just feel like he would. Oh I know what I can do I can play video games. I run to my Ps5 and start looking at the games. Call of duty nah, Fortnite who likes that anymore? Ooo prime empire that's a new one I'll play that! I start playing and it's surprisingly easy no idea how it's easy but it is. It looked like it would be hard but it was surprisingly not. I'm not talking about a dick so get that out of your dirty little mind.

     I'm on level 11 when my phone dings and I of course have to look at it. You would never guess who it is. ITS COLE! Oh god oh no what do I do gah!  Kai calm down it's just a text you can't start getting obsessed this early. I sighed as I looked at my phone again.

Cole: can't wait 😉.
I blushed brighter then a tomato I was so embarrassed. Wait what time is it 2:00 I'm not even ready!!

Kai: Me either😏

I sent the message as I ran to my closet I'll wear something seasonal yeah. I put on a white shirt with a sunflower in the middle. I smiled at my shirt before grabbing white pants and black converse. But to top it all off I threw on my traditional sun glasses. By the time I was ready it was 2:29 so I ran to my motorcycle and hopped in it going straight to the cafe.

When I arrived Cole was just arriving as well I hope he is not awkward with dates because I am unless I've known the person forever. Oh God I need to calm down I took a deep breath as I walked towards his car smiling. He smiled at me as he stepped out of his car. I stopped right next to him and he grabbed my hand so I wrapped my hand around his. His hand was two times bigger than mine so my hand barely wrapped around his.

He leant down to my ear before whispering "I'm paying" and my eyes widened "no I'm paying I asked you out so I could take you on a date not so you could pay!" I said rather loud. He chuckled "I'm paying and that is that" he said well more like stated. I glared at him to my surprise he glared back which made me stop immediately.

When we reached the door he held it open in which I sorta gasped not loud enough for him to hear though. He smiled at my surprised expression before holding my hand again. The waiter came and took us to our table. I sat across from him as I didn't want to sit next to him because that is weird where there is only two people and a booth on each side even at tables. I was the first to speak "you ever been here before?" He looked up shaking his head no "nope it seems like a nice place though" I nodded "the first time I came here it was on accident" I said "how?" He asked "well I was supposed to go on a date but she canceled last second and since I walked being 20 and not living far away I walked to my house only for it to start raining and of course I had no sweatshirt" I said taking a break "why did she cancel?" I sighed "apparently she went out with another guy and she started dating him but still told me she would be here" I stated "but anyway back to the main story" he laughed out loud causing me to laugh along with him.

We laughed for a little until the waiter came again "what would you fellows like to drink" Cole looked over at them "Mt. Dew" he said looking at me "water please" she nodded and wrote it down I'll give you fellows a few minutes. "I think you get what happened at the end" I said and he nodded laughing "yeah you walked by this shop it was open so you went inside to hide out from the rain" he said while nodded "have you been stalking me since I was 20" I asked in which he laughed.

The waiter brought our drinks pulling her notepad out. "What would you fellows like to eat" Cole went first "lasagna marinara sauce, and garlic bread" he said while flashing a smile at me "and for you sir?" She asked "oh uh I'll take chicken wraps with lettuce, ranch, and cheese please" she wrote it down "anything else" she asked with a smile that was fake as shit "I don't need anything" Cole spoke up I shook my head. She nodded "that will be right out" she stated before walking away.

He smiled at me and oh my god how did I not see how gorgeous his smile was. Like seriously he has to be an angel sent from heaven. We began some small talk before our food came which wasn't long. I began to eat my chicken wraps there were only two which was all I wanted to eat. Cole looked at me confused. "What?" I asked which he responded "just thought since you were so tall you would eat more but it was rude of me to assume" I chuckled. "It's fine usually I eat more" I looked at him. He just nodded as he took a sip of Mt. Dew.

We finished eating quickly so I began pulling my wallet out as the waiter came to our table. When I tried to pay Cole smacked my knee so I put the money down as he payed smiling. He looked at me and I looked at him with wide eyes "I could've paid" I said which he nodded "I know but the gentleman always pays" he winked as he said that which I dramatically gasped.

We said our byes since we were most likely going to see each other again. As we left the cafe I swear I heard. "Kai wait" so I turned around looking at Cole "what" I asked as he jogged over to me. "You forgot something" which I patted my pockets trying to find out what I forgot "what did I forget?" I asked looking at him as he grabbed my chin and pulled me in.

He kissed me

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