Plans and sunsets

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Cole POV

I began to walk backwards as Kai stood there in shock. I had just kissed him oh my god. I am feeling so many emotions at the same time is that even possible. I turned around as I walked towards my car. "Wait!" I heard Kai say so I turned around looking at him with one raised brow. "Yes kai?" I asked he blushed even darker "c..can we maybe do this again sometime" he answered quickly. I smiled "whenever you like a time or day tell me and I'll see if I'm free alright" I said which made him smile "sounds great" he said before walking towards his motorcycle getting in it and roaring off after putting his helmet on.

I smiled to myself before walking to my car and driving back towards my apartment. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm in love with Kai...

And cake but mostly Kai.

Shortly after I drove away from the cafe I reached my apartment. I got out of my car locking it and running towards the doors of the apartment building. I opened the doors waving at the front desk lady as I walked to the stairs because the elevator smelled like pot mod of the time but that is besides the point.

I know he likes me but loving me is a bit far even if I do love him. I really want to date him but I'll give it a couple more dates if he wants to go on more of course. I need to relax I'm stressing a little right now over something I shouldn't. I'll take a shower go relax just because it helps me relax most of the time.

I turned in the shower water so it could heat up while I took off my clothes. After I took my clothes off I hopped in the shower. I soaked my hair so I could run my hands through my soft black hair. I smiled to myself as I got the shampoo and dumped it in my hand and rubbed it into my hair massaging my scalp. I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair once again massaging my scalp. I did the same for the conditioner before doing body wash one of my favorites teakwood (no idea what he but I saw it on the internet and said yes).

I stepped out of my shower and put boxers on drying my hair with a towel. That's when I realized I should've waited for my shower because I'm going to watch the sunset at 5 why am I so dumb. I groaned as I saw it was 4 I don't feel like going but if I already promised I would. Unless we plan the date tomorrow I refuse to go anywhere. I need a day where I do absolutely nothing.

                      I decided on black swim trunks and a black tank top to go to the beach in. I don't feel like drinking tonight even if someone brought drinks. I want to just talk and record everyone's dumb moments. Oh maybe Kai will drive by! I'll see if I can ignore him just to see his reaction! No that's mean I don't think it's a good idea anyway. It wouldn't be funny but hey I tried to think of something funny.

                I got my towel and my keys before locking up my apartment and walking down stairs to my car. I prefer stairs they just seem faster to me so why not? Jay disagrees with me saying elevators are faster and are less disgusting. I guess he hasn't been in a elevator with cum on the floor and handprints on the walls (based on a real experience). It was disgusting funny but disgusting.

                I reached my car quickly and unlocked it sitting in the drivers seat before sighing. I am really tired and just wanted to go to bed! But a promise is a promise. I started my fancy smancy car and drove towards the beach. I decided to take the long route just because. I arrived at the beach and spotted Jay and Nya so I walked over towards them smiling. I coughed once I reached them as their backs were turned to me. Jay jumped like four feet in the air. I fell to the ground laughing as Nya began to laugh too. Once we finished our laughing session which Jay ended up joining in we started a small conversation with how we have been.

Everyone has been at the beach for about 20 minutes and the sun had just started setting. In the distance I heard a roar I ignored it since it was probably a truck but turned around when I heard it stop right at the bridge. It was Kai! I smiled at him and waved which he took his helmet off wow he was actually wearing a helmet. He winked at me or maybe he blinked I don't know it is hard to tell from so far away. I turned back around smiling before sitting down on my towel watching the others play in the water as they got tired of watching the sunset.

I heard Kai roar off on his motorcycle and sighed lonely once again. About 15 minutes later the sun was just about completely set. I heard footsteps but figured it was probably just people or a person walking by maybe a dog or two. But I jumped when I felt hands on my shoulders. I turned my head so fast I gave myself whiplash I sighed when I saw Kai laughing his ass off. I huffed and turned back around not giving him the attention he wanted.

Kai gave a dramatic gasp at my actions before sitting right next to me which I put my head on his shoulder while staring at the sun which was just a glow no longer a sun. The sky was dark and stare began to bloom all over the dark sky.

I stood up and began to roll up my towel. Once I rolled my towel up I felt Kai get up "j was thinking that not tomorrow but maybe the next day we can go on another date since that is my next free day" Kai said "sounds perfect I was planning on staying home all day tomorrow anyway" I responded smiling he grabbed my hand which I blushed if this works out I wonder who will be the dominant one. My thoughts were interrupted when we reached my car and Kai kissing my cheek before looking at me with his gorgeous amber eyes. He smiled and walked away leaving me to stare at the ocean.

(Who do you want to be dominant?)

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