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Hello again, my lovely reader.

Thank you for sticking with me till the end. I don't know what the road was like for you, what emotions the story brought you, but I felt the need to convey mine, now that it's done.

I started writing this novelette because I wanted to work on something festive. The idea came to me quickly, and it was the first time I had to work without a complete story layout. But I knew what the end would be. I started typing at the end of 2021 let go of it completely for a year and came back to finish it at the end of 2022.

My goal was to make me cry, as masochistic as it sounds 😂. And I achieved it. I cried and cried and to be honest, I got sick of the tears when I would still bawl my eyes out during editing. But that's not weird if you know me. I cry easily. A song, a movie, a book... my own fantasy can make me a wreck on command.

The most surprising incident, though, was making others cry while reading it. My beta reader, my sister, my friends. They all cried, and I had the same question thrown my way. 

Why would you write this?

I suppose that is the reason I did write it. To make someone feel so deeply. First me, then the people who would read it. It is the biggest accomplishment for an artist. To produce emotions with their art. To move them.

I hoped I managed to do that.

✨ Merry Christmas ✨

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