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Lan wangji and lan qiren were arguing on something while lan xichen just sat beside them and his head was  hanging low. Lan qiren and xichen were disappointed at wangji's behavior.

"Father, i said i will marry wei wuxian ge!" said wangji.

"But he is already betrothed to wen qing. And wei family only marry once in their life." said lan qiren trying to convince his little son.

"I don't care about their rules. I just want xian gege to be with me." said wangji getting agitated.

"But how we will convince him to marry you?" asked qiren just hoping that his son will give up on his ideas.

"Just tell them that we will not cure yanli jie until xian gege accept me." said wangji like he didn't said anything wrong.

"Wangji!" shouted qiren being angry at his son's remarks.

"If you didn't do what i say then i..I'll ki..kill myself." said wangji while stuttering.

Lan qiren was very upset and disappointed at his son. He didn't expect lan wangji to say something like this or even think like this. He didn't taught wangji to be a bratty kid. He thought wangji is indeed mischievous and does lots of pranks but he never crossed his limits then why today?

Before lan qiren answer anything a voice echoed through the room. It was wei wuxian.
"I will agree to marry wangji. Just treat my sister." said almost pleading.

Wei wuxian was checking around the guest room so lan family member don't feel any discomfort. As he went towards qiren's room he heard everything. His eyes became dark with rage. He was very angry to be treated like an object by a 12 year kid. He was angry cause they were using his sister's vulnerable state to blackmail him. He thought 'How much power greedy people can be!'. He chuckled bitterly. He finally get inside the room.

"I will marry lan wangji but i have one condition..." said wei  wuxian with rage filled eyes.

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