Chapter 28: I'm Her Worst Nightmare

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~Mark's POV~

I don't have the right to just go back to New York and think that I could save her again. Especially not after what I did to her. I had told her over the phone that I cheated on her with Ashley, and I was in tears when I was explaining to her everything that happened. I didn't mention the fact that Ashley seemed a little high. I'm pretty sure that I smelled weed on her that night, but I didn't even acknowledge that to her. Then again, her being high only makes it worse on my behalf. I had sex with an underage girl (even though I have before, but still, it just makes it worse for my case), and she wasn't even in a conscious state!

I desperately wanted to go to New York to help (f/n) out, but I doubt she even wants to see me.

Fuck it. I've always been there when she needed something, and I don't want this to be any different.

~Your POV~

Skylar and I spent the next day together. Last night when I brought her to my house, my parents were so surprised. They were shouting, "Skylar!?" They shouted that over and over again. I was finally able to sit them down and explain everything to them. At first, my parents didn't believe us, but then we asked Scarlet to bring her parents over and her parents confirmed everything we said to them. They had just as much trouble understanding it as we did at first, but they finally got it.

"We need to find a way to get back to Ohio." Skylar said as she and I were heading to Ashley's house. Skylar decided to join in with my gang just until we settle things. She's wearing the same colors as me: black and gray. She tied a black bandanna around her left bicep. The dead Skylar had a bunch of tattoos on her arms, but this Skylar didn't. Instead, she had birthmarks in those areas. We were going to get this guy to re-tattoo her.

"I know. I talked to my parents about it last night and they said that they need to save up money first so they can pay for our overdue rent and the rent when we go back there." I explained. Skylar sighed. "Well, if I'm forced to be stuck here, at least I'm stuck here with you." she said and grinned. I smiled back and hugged her randomly. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." I said in her shoulder.

We arrived at Ashley's house. We saw an unfamiliar car parked next to hers in the driveway. Curiously, we speed-walked up her hilly driveway and saw her sitting on the stairs of her porch talking to some random guy. She saw us, stood up, and walked toward us. "Hey, Skylar, (f/n)." she said with a smile. She gestured the guy over to us. "Guys, this is my friend Jimmy. He's the tattoo artist. He's my cousin's ex-boyfriend." I nodded my head. Maddi was her cousin's name. I think Ashley mentioned once that her cousin was only fifteen when she dated him, who was somewhere above the legal age.

Jimmy had a little carrying case where, I'm assuming, his tattoo equipment is stored. He sat me and Skylar down in the kitchen. Skylar explained to him the tattoos she originally had once, but were removed. Bit of a white lie if you ask me, but that's Skylar for ya.

It took an hour, but Jimmy finally finished our tattoos. Skylar had the same exact tattoos that dead Skylar had, and the both of us received a tattoo of a symbol. It was a tree split into four parts representing the seasons. One quarter of it had leaves in full bloom (summer), the next quarter had barely any leaves (fall), a quarter with no leaves (winter), and a quarter with flowers (spring). It meant that we'll always be friends no matter what.

Hours past by and we were all hanging out at 7-11. Chris refused to come at first, but finally gave in. Ashley wanted to apologize her ass off to him to at least gain forgiveness. I was hanging out with everyone else while those two had their dispute across the sidewalk. "Those two are never getting back together." Skylar concluded. Rebecca and I looked at her. "Why do you think that? They're supposed to be soulmates." Rebecca argued. Skylar shook her head. "No they're not. Those two are far from even being compatible with each other. I know these things, Beck." Rebecca kept staring at them, hoping that they'd work things out, but when it comes to this stuff, Skylar's always right.

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