Chapter 3: My Life

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~Ashley's POV~

"I can't believe Mark never told us about having a girlfriend!" Rebecca cried out as we gained enough distance for her to scream in sadness. I tried to ignore her complaining because I personally didn't care, but Rebecca was just too loud. Good thing Kenneth beat me to calming her down. "Just chill. It's not like you'd have a chance with him anyway." he said without realizing what he said. I shot him a mean look. "Okay man, you went a little far there." I commented. He nodded and apologized to Rebecca.

"It doesn't even matter now. We have shit to do." I said. They nodded their heads. We are trying to find a guy to get us some alcohol for this party that we're going to in Flanders, NY. It's only twenty minutes away from where we are now. I have my own car and license. My car is parked outside of the Chinese restaurant across the street. 

It took a little while, but we finally met up with one of our friends who's also going to this party tonight. He's twenty-two, and his name is Darren. He was leaning against the fence in front of someone's house. He was on his phone and had his earbuds in. When we came close to him, he looked up and took an earbud out. "Yo, what's good?" he said, doing our handshake we made up. "Nothing much, we need some booze." I told him. He nodded. "Aight, I gotchu." he said. "I'll meet up with you later."

He walked away, putting his earbud back in. He was wearing dark blue baggy jeans that are halfway pulled down, and a black tank-top. He's also light-skinned.

"So, what do we do now?" Rebecca asked me. I checked the time on my phone. It was almost three-thirty. "Well, I guess we can head out there now. Party starts at four." I answered. Kenneth and Rebecca nodded and followed me to the car. I didn't see (f/n) or Mark anywhere anymore. I guess they went somewhere.

We got in the car and started toward the highway. I plugged in my phone to the aux cord and started playing rap music on Pandora. A song by Eminem played. I didn't get a chance to see the name of it, but I definitely never heard it before.

Rebecca was sitting next to me, and Kenneth sat behind me. She was on her phone, looking through some messages. "Yo, this girl is such a cunt." Rebecca said randomly. I kept my eyes on the road because I'm going sixty-five on this highway. "What's going on?" I asked. She locked her phone and put it away. "This girl, apparently her name is Nikki from Ohio, is being such a bitch. I was just trying to help her not cut anymore and she starts going on and on about how "insensitive" I am." I shot a quick glance at Rebecca. "Didn't (f/n) live in Ohio for a while?" I said. Rebecca thought, and then nodded. I saw that from the corner of my eye. "Maybe we can ask her about Nikki tomorrow."

I drove for another ten minutes. We arrived at this guy's house for the party. I sighed in frustration. "I hate it when parties are at peoples' houses." I told Kenneth. He nodded in agreement. "Hell yeah. Some fucking neighbor always calls the cops and files a complaint because "it's too noisy"." I laughed. "Let's just hope for the best this time." 

Before I got inside, Rebecca grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me aside. "Does Chris know you're here?" she asked, looking a little worried. My eyebrows furrowed and I nodded. "Of course he knows. I wouldn't do these kinds of things without him knowing about it. He actually said he might stop by after he gets off of work." Rebecca nodded. "Alright, good, because you two are a cute ass couple. Like a little emo couple." I laughed at her comment. She was always into the emo love couples. I have to admit, though, those kinds of couples are romantic. All of the other ones you see today are so meaningless and emotionless. It sickens me to a point where I want to stop eating, and believe me, I fucking love food.

The second we got inside, a few of our friends that were already inside attempted to force-intoxicate us. I gravely resisted. "Guys, I'm driving tonight. I'm not drinking." I said bluntly. They nodded in disappointment and tried getting Rebecca and Kenneth drunk. They obviously succeeded. I rolled my eyes and went to find Josh. He's the guy who lives here and his parents are always at work. Got to love the over-overtime.

I found Josh with his girlfriend by the radio. He was drinking a beer and his girlfriend was drinking a cocktail. Josh saw me and waved me over. "Yoyoyo!" he called over the loud, "stoner", music. The loud bass was really killing my ears.

"Yo, what's up?" I asked when I stood next to him. He waved around the whole house. "This, man. Huge fucking party. Bigger than usual. Just hope that bitch down the street don't call the cops again." he explained. I nodded. "Word." I said back.

The party was going on for a while pretty smoothly. A few unwanted guests came over and crashed the party at around eleven tonight. Josh, his girlfriend, and I taught those guys a lesson for sure. Whenever someone we hate shows up, we tend to humiliate the shit out of them until they're shamed and leave the party. I'm pretty sure that none of us would think it's funny if it happened to one of us, but that's not the case. Therefore, it's funny as hell.

By midnight, Kenneth and Rebecca were pretty drunk. I thought that enough was enough and we should just head back. I dragged them both to the car and started driving. I didn't even take a sip of alcohol tonight because one, I don't really like drinking, and two, I had to drive everyone home.

I dropped Kenneth off first. He lives in the mobile home park on the west side of town. He stumbled inside and hopefully went straight to bed. Rebecca wasn't as drunk, but she was still flailing around like she didn't give a shit.

She was slurring a little bit, but I ignored everything she said. She always says stupid shit when she's had too much to drink.

Rebecca lives in the same area as I do. The walking distance between our houses is probably twenty minutes. If I rode my bike, it'd take half the time.

I dropped her off and made sure she got inside alright. I had to keep her quiet because her parents were asleep. When she was projecting her voice during one of her slurs, I slammed my palm over her mouth. "Yo, shut the fuck up. They're going to wake up and I'll get in trouble." I whispered loudly and angrily. She kept quiet and I put her to bed. "Now, go to sleep." I said before walking out of the room. She stopped me by calling my name quietly. I turned back to her and waited for her to talk.

"Ash..ley, don't ever gi-give up on him." she slurred. Oh, not this again. I stood underneath the doorway and listened to her. "He's...he's a good guy." I smirked. Even when she's drunk, she knows how to make me happy.

I turned her light off. "Goodnight." I said before leaving to go home.

~Your POV~

I woke up at three in the morning. I had a nightmare. I went into Mark's room to find him out cold in bed. I held my pillow in one arm against my chest and nudged him awake with the other. "Mark?" I said quietly. He stirred in his spot and woke up. "What's wrong, baby?" he said, sitting up.

I breathed in. "I had another nightmare." I told him. He smiled and pulled me in toward him. "Ohh, come here." he said as he placed me beside him. He tucked me under the covers next to him and stared into my eyes.

"What was it about this time?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I shrugged slightly. "Same as last time. Skylar coming back to life and causing a zombie apocalypse. Except this time, she killed me first."  I explained. Mark rubbed up and down my back. He always knew what comforted me. 

He kissed my forehead. "Well, things like that only happen in video games." he said, smiling. I smiled back. Him and his video games.

Mark held me close and we both fell asleep quickly.


yay i posted ch.3! its pretty late here, almost 3am -___- well hope you liked the chapter. ch. 4 tomorrow hopefully :)

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