Chapter 13: Finding (F/n) (NOT NEMO)

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~Ashley's POV~

(F/n) looked like a gangster after Rebecca and I were finished with her. She held that same facial expression Josh would when he just didn't give a shit. That's exactly how I know that someone belongs in our group.

"So, (f/n), you ever been in jail before?" I asked casually, not expecting an extraordinary answer from her. She actually nodded her head. "Yes." she answered honestly. My eyes widened at her. Did she really say yes? How and why the hell would she be in jail? She seems so innocent! So...perfect.

"Me and this girl shot up an MTV party last year, things got pretty ugly that night with this bully in my school in Ohio. She set us up after she randomly stopped bullying us by inviting us to this live party, and she had this guy pour black paint all over us, staining our hair. We went to my house to wash up, she called up this gang member for pistols, and we arrived at the party again and she shot up the party while I forced an apology from that blond bitch while she stood in front of a video camera."

"The cops caught up with us after a short time, and I went to jail for three months, and that girl went for six. That's where I got these tattoos." she said and showed us her ink. Rebecca and I thought it was pretty cool, but then we looked sympathetic again. "I would've never guessed that you'd been in jail before." Rebecca confessed. "What was that girl's name?" She looked at the floor in sadness and lifted her shirt. Over the location of her heart, she had carved in "Skylar" with what seemed to be a sharp kitchen knife.

"Her name was Skylar." she answered. Rebecca and I lowered our heads in sympathy. Was Skylar. That had to mean that she died somehow. Since I didn't know, I asked her if she was still around. As expected, she shook her head no. I nodded and waited for her explanation.

"The gang members caught up with her and shot her in the head right in front of me and Mark." she told us. "I was in such disbelief, and I kept shaking Skylar like she'd wake up. But she was gone forever. We had her funeral almost right after, and the last thing I threw on top of her descending coffin was a bouquet of pink roses. They were pink because she had bright blue hair and she dyed mine pink so we can be the "cotton candy sisters" or something of her colorful imagination, and the pink roses were to prove to her that she was like my other half or something. I really miss her, guys. It's my fault that she's dead. I shouldn't have let her go to that alleyway! I should've stopped her, damn it!" She started crying. Rebecca and I tried to comfort her, but it was almost no use. She obviously had to let it all out.

I let Chris and Kenneth back into the room while Rebecca was trying to console (f/n). She seemed like she was succeeding, but I don't know for sure right now.

"Is that girl alright?" Kenneth asked me, walking toward her. I shrugged. "She has a lot going on, and it's clearly been a while since she's cried like that." I explained. He nodded and rubbed her shoulders. Chris and I just stood by them and waited for (f/n) to feel better. I'm not really good when it comes to having depressed friends because I always used to hang around gangsters and emotionless assholes. But that's how New York is most of the time. Gangster wannabes and emotionless pieces of crap. I'm going to have to get used to this.

(F/n) calmed down after about ten minutes of crying. I even comforted her myself a little bit by stroking her back and talking her through with words. It made her feel better.

"(F/n), after tonight, you won't have anything to worry about. Trust me. We're going to go to a party and get high off of our asses. We're going to have fun." I assured her. She nodded and wiped away the remains of her tears. Us girls hugged while Chris and Kenneth stood around and waited for our little love fest to end.

~Mark's POV~

I stormed out of that house a few hours ago. What had come over me today? Was it all because of what happened today? I really can't record videos when I'm drinking like that because I tend to say shit and not realize that the webcam is recording it. I should've edited that out. On that snow day, (f/n) had made me breakfast, and I remember saying, "Thanks, BABE." How could I be so stupid!? How did I completely overlook that!?

Nevertheless, that part of the video wasn't edited out and it was published. Now I'm sure that that part of the video is cropped out from the original and is published all over the web. There's nothing I can do about it now. If I had noticed this a few days ago, I wouldn't be in this mess. But like I always say to myself and others: I'm such a fuck up. Maybe I should just go kill myself and make sure no one saves me. I lost a little over half a million subscribers from this whole thing just for TWO words I said! They all could've assumed that I was drunk and that I was slurring. I mean, I was playing a video game and I could've said "Thanks, babe" toward Chica or something. I don't know how I'll be able to face YouTube again. I'll be out of a job if I lose too many subscribers and viewers, yes, but what's more important to me, is I won't have a fanbase that'll look up to me, and I won't be able to help make a difference in this world. My whole life will be more meaningless than it ever was before. I know for a fact that I can't make the dramatic changes to this world by myself. There's no way I can donate over four hundred-thousand dollars at once on my own. That's why I love doing those charity live-streams. I love raising money and donating it to the various places and organizations who need it the most. If I can't give people what they need, what purpose does my life serve? I'll be nothing more than a selfish, bitter voice that is just getting softer and softer by the second. I'll probably die like this in a dark, endless abyss.

I need to find (f/n).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ comes the tragic life of le Markiplier..:((((

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