Chapter 6: Petty Crisis/I Miss You

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~Ashley's POV~

Chris and I are still watching T.V. together. We were about three quarters of the way done with this show until I received a phone call. I checked the caller I.D. and it was Rebecca...and she never calls unless it's an emergency.

Chris saw it too and looked worried. "Shit...what's happening?" he asked under his breath. I took it as a rhetorical question and just answered the phone. "Yo, what's up?" I asked, getting anxious. Rebecca didn't sound worried, but I know she was. "Shit's going down in Flanders. Josh wants us there for some reason." she explained. I rolled my eyes. "Oh Josh." I mumbled. "Alright, I'll get you and Kenneth. I'm taking the truck." I said and hung up.

Chris looked at me slightly wide-eyed. I shook my head. "Probably more stupid shit." I assured him. He nodded and followed me downstairs. I had already put my shoes on, a pair of gray skinny jeans, black school sweatshirt that hugged my figure, and my converse shoes. I always dress like this when I go to a different town so people don't fuck with me.

I took Chris's jackets out of the dryer when I got downstairs. He was holding me from behind as I was bent over. Yeah, he's pretty dirty like that.

"Mmm, they're so warm." Chris said as he quickly put his jacket and sweatshirts on. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Let's get going." I said as I grabbed the car keys from the key rack. My parents weren't anywhere in sight. Mom was probably still asleep and Dad's most likely watching T.V. in his room. Yeah, my parents aren't married. My Dad drinks a lot, so I try to avoid him when he's drunk, and my Mom is, well, normal. She gets pretty anxious when I drive with her in the passenger seat even though I'm a good driver.

I spent the next half an hour picking Rebecca and Kenneth up from their houses and heading to Flanders. Josh apparently wanted to meet us at 7-11. That was our usual hang out spot. We come here almost every day when it's not snowy and skate around the parking lot and smoke cigarettes outside of the store like the bums we are.

We arrived at 7-11. Josh and most of our friends were already here, and there was another group of people who were wearing red sweaters and black baggy sweatpants. Their boxers were showing slightly and most of them were white. Oh shit...

The group in red were smoking cigarettes while giving my friends dirty looks. My friends were wearing black and gray, and those colors are just the main ones we wear. 

I went up to Josh, who was standing in front of everyone else. "Yo, what the hell is going on?" I whispered. He took his cigarette out of his mouth. "They want their money. They have guns." I looked at him angrily. "Then fucking give it to them!" I shouted quietly. The group in red raised their eyebrows. Josh laughed awkwardly. "I'm broke." he whispered back. I face-palmed myself. Chris walked up next to me. "How much do they want?" he asked, irritated. I looked at Chris, and then back at Josh. He breathed out through his teeth. "Two-hundred dollars." Josh said. Well, it's not that much. 

Chris and I pulled out our wallets. I had a little over a hundred in cash. I pulled it out and waited for Chris to pull out some money. He had seventy. Chris handed it to me. "Here." he said. I took it, combined it with my money, and slowly walked up to the group in red. Very carefully, I handed the guy in front the money. He nodded slightly and took the money. "Thanks." he said quietly. I took a step back and waited for them to do something. He turned around and led everyone else away from us. "Let's get out of here." he said. Everyone walked away and headed to their cars.

I turned to Josh and gave him a mean look. "Look, next time you're in debt, you're dealing with it on your own. I can't keep laying out my hard-earned money for this kind of bullshit." I said strictly. "Yeah, same here. I have bills to pay." Chris added. Josh nodded. "Thanks, you two." he said. I nodded and walked back to the truck. "I'll see you guys around." I said. "Stay out of trouble."

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