Chapter 11

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"The Bull And The Red Flag 2"

"I want to know more about you, then I will understand why you're getting weird." Elijah curiously spoke.

"You're weirder, I thought being a gentleman was one of your childish dreams. Why are you speaking up to me so offensively?" She replied. They were both still inside the library, Scar figured to waste his time so he could go away right after the clock hits 9:00 PM.

"Offensive? You're the one who had always put me at my lowest! Don't blame me!" Elijah sighed.

"Mhm," She looked at the wall clock, trying to not be obvious. It was already 8:30 PM and every student had already left the library per the conditions told by the school authorities.

Elijah spotted her eyes looking at the wall clock, "You're trying to waste my time aren't you.." He sighed again.

"We all love wasting time with each other, don't we?" She pulled a dull smile.

"Please, I don't know why I am trying to be friends with someone like you. But, you were the first person I saw in this school that I trusted and I can't just let you go yet." He looked at her with pitiful eyes. "I will go, for now... Please, don't stay away from me." Then he left.

Scar's face looked stunned. Once he left, laughter was voiced out.

"You like this stupid boy?" The laughter got even closer.

Scar looked down and saw 2 shadows behind her.


"Don't forget the conditions when you asked me to open the library for you." Her 'cousin' spoke again, she turned around to see her cousin and a person else.

"I won't forget. Now, leave." She went straight to her space, where she stays and sleeps while the two left.


Four weeks ago

Chapter 9 [PT 2]

A Flashback

"Ahhh! You said yes!" Elijah continued to bother her.

"No, I didn't and never will. You tricked me." She walked away while he followed her.

"Okay, I did." He laughed, "I was just joking, I know you wouldn't want to be anyone's trainer."

"Right," She continued walking while he still followed.

She was about to enter the library as she hesitated,
"Aren't you going to class, supposedly?"

"Yeah? I'm going to the library to study for the next class. The next class is just in 30 minutes." He replied.

"Study? Inside the library?" Scar repeated, "You learned nothing about me, didn't you?"

"H-Huh?" He stuttered.

"Nothing, if you keep following me, the students staring at you right now would gossip about you."

He looked around to see the students wondering about.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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