Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

The Laurier family ate dinner at their dining table, all eating like it was their last dining. Jach looked at each of his family members, confused, "Why are you all eating like we are at war? We have plenty food, anything could suffice your stomach." He took a hesitant bite out of his steak.

"Jach," His father finished his plate and formally tidied up. "Respect your siblings, they are hungry from studying all night." Jach looked surprised and nodded.

"I am sorry, father. I did not know." He proceeded to look worry for his siblings.

It is a very normal night for the Laurier Family. Each family member are serious about their work.. except Jach.

He is the only sane person in the Laurier family, that took Arts as his career. All of his siblings and father, think he's just childish and is still finding his right path. His father to be exact, is a very wealthy man, so is his bloodline.

Formality mattered to them like bone. But, it is respected that if one acts informal, the other cannot speak to it.

Jach seemed to be the immature son of his father and all the others were already blooming, mature.

All Jach could do was try impressing his siblings artworks he made, but all they do was nag or persuade Jach out of his career.

"Eli.. Have you thought of going through Law as your career?" His law student sister, persuaded.

"I have thought about it, yeah!" He replied thoughtfully.

"Is that so? Then! Enroll at my school, we can learn law together! I will teach you!" His sister excitedly invited him.


"No buts!"

"But, i thought about NOT taking it. Sorry!" Jach ran off while his sister furiously chased him.

"You idiot! I was super serious!!" She shouted.

"Huh?! I knew!! I was also serious!" He laughed it off and continued running until his sister couldn't catch her breath any longer.

Even so, Jach expected his family to be tired of persuading him into changing his career because he knew he wouldn't change his mind.

But, one day..

Jach entered his father's office. He saw that his father looked more serious than usual. He was sitting on his office chair with crossed arms on the desk.

"Father, you called?" Jach respectfully asked.

"I did," His father took of his glasses. "Elijah, I enrolled you to Mhistra High School." Jach looked surprised.

"You enrolled me without telling me beforehand?! Father! How about my career?" He shouted at his father.

His art career meant a lot to him, and he thought no one could force him to do something rash. At some point, he could end his arts career because of transferring. It is possible for him to do so, because he knows his father could do ANYTHING just to destroy his career.

"I know you always persuade me to do things but you've gone too far." He weakened his voice, "I-I.. thought you changed." he shook his head.

"You do not know me well, son. I can make anything possible. The persuading with your siblings was just an act of warning, that i can do so much more if you didn't have to continue avoiding me." His father's face spelt fear me.

"You're nothing like mother!" He couldn't help it and scream like a lost child.

"Then, you aren't any different." His father glared at him, not the stare of a father to a son. "She took arts as a career, and look where she is now."

Jach couldn't believe what came out of his father's mouth.

"Do not talk to her like that." He grits his teeth.

"You brought her into this." His father sighed, "Look, you are my son. Not hers. Not anymore. Follow what i say, obey. It is simple to just go to Mhistra as a scholar and maybe.. you can keep your career. Just go and that is as simple as that." He nonchalantly continued as Jach looked down with a heavy heart.

He went out of the office, with a quiet guilt.

He thought, 'I can endure this. I can, maybe, hopefully.. escape.'


The pain he had, made him want to paint a portrait. In his room, for days, he had been listening to music while painting this specific portrait.

His passion for art is greater than anyone's. Everything to him is art, even the feeling he had.. it was art. Passionate, Lovely, Beautiful, Meaningful.. all of that spelt art.

It spelt him.

At last, the last day of the week end. He was finished with his artwork. His nonchalant face turned bright. "I guess this really was a stress reliever." He laughed and took steps back to appreciate his view. "Another art i love."

He smiled.

He himself is an artwork when he smiles. Even if he doesn't, he is.

A knock surprised him out of his focus.

"Come in" He told, still smiling.

"Young sir, you are to go to school tomorrow. Would you like to hear about it?" His family's butler asked and came in as he nodded.

"Sit down, Mr." He politely told.

"No thank you, Young sir... 6AM to 9PM, you are expected to school." He declined and proceeded to explain.

"Wait.." Jach interrupted. "I am expected to school for 15 hours? What kind of school expects me of that?" He snickered out of confusing.

"Actually, young sir, it is to be 16 hours and your father expected you to do so. Not the school." Mr. Butler continued while Jach's jaw dropped.

"What does father want..? Does he want me to not go home from now? Am i no longer his family for him to act like this to a son?" Jach confuses his butler.

"I.. I do not know, young sir..." His butler had nothing else to say and left.

"What do you think about it, Painting? Do you think i annoy him too much?" He talked to his painting.

If i, third person, was to be asked..
I would've said he has gone completely feral.

 I would've said he has gone completely feral

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