Chapter 6

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"Dying To Know"

Elijah went outside the school gates, waiting for his driver to come to pick him up.

9:21 PM and he's still waiting.

Familiar footsteps stepped beside him,
"Headin' home, now weak chick?"

Elijah looked to see the jerk, worried if he had anything bad planned. Like beating him up again for the third time to this day.

"Don't worry, I am not about to kill you or anything else. I am waiting for my ride too." The jerk smirked. Elijah's eyes were fixated on the ground, hands were in his pants pockets. "You know... I never got your name. The name's Jaxon Kairo, call me Jax, How bout you?"

"Jach. Elijah Cheol." Elijah feared he'd do something bad to him if he wouldn't answer.

"Nice! We could be a great duo if you'd like. You know, Jach and Jax." Jaxon placed his arm on Elijah's shoulder. "Only if you could do what I want and stop getting hurt." He proceeded.

"Look, I don't know anything about the deal your father and mine did. Okay?" Elijah stood up for himself.

"Then, help me know. I don't know anything either. It's just that I got all my money taken from my dad and... It just so happened that your father was there when it got taken away." He explained.

Elijah and Jax both are sons of fathers that had taken a silent deal.. a secret deal. They both know they made a deal but they didn't know what it was all about.

"If I were you, I'd ask who the man in black was.. but I don't know either." Jax cleared his throat and stopped his arm from laying on Elijah's shoulder.

"Wait. I thought it was your father. Since what I saw was both of them making a deal. Did you see him at your house too? Perhaps?" Elijah burst out of curiosity. "And.. How did you know I saw the man in black?"

They both got quiet, Jax side-eyeing something behind them but Elijah only had his eyes on Jax as he was waiting for a reply.

Jax laughed, "It was a hunch. See you, my driver's about to arrive any minute now. Don't waste your time trying to figure it out alone. You might die." As it is so, Jax's driver arrived while Elijah's driver next arrived.

"What did he mean?" Elijah got too curious.

He went inside his ride while the driver side-eyed him and smiled. Elijah was just there sitting in the back seat, just seriously getting curious about what Jax told him.

"It's nice to see you again, young sir." His driver proceeded to drive back home.

"It's nice to see you too, mister." He got back to his focus.

He got home with a welcoming party. It was like he was gone for a month that they'd prepare something like that. But, to be honest, it'd make sense that they'd do that for him every night he comes home since he's rich enough to have everything they'd want.

He brightened up when he saw his brother and sister standing in front of him. Nathan smiled, unusual but he knows it was because of Miss Ava.

"It's such a bright evening, brother!" His sister came close and hugged him.

"What's this? Is this all for me?" Elijah happily asked.

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