Every Action Has A Reaction, And Every Choice Has Consequences

Start from the beginning

Damon: I'm sorry, cousin, but as great as they're, I don't have time to play games with your nurses. Hmmm ... I never thought I'd say something like that. But anyway! Like I said, I'm in a hurry, so you put down that cooked, nasty stuff you're eating and we'll go down to the special operating room. I need your medical skills, Surgeon.

Nicolae tosses the half-eaten hamburger back on the plate and glares at Damon, who looks at him with a sweet smile.

Nicolae: What the fuck do you want, Damon?

Damon: I want you to remove the stitches from my wound.

Nicolae: And why should I do that?

Damon: Because they've served their purpose. My mind has cleared and I can think clearly now.

Nicolae: Are you sure about that?

Damon: I've never been more sure of anything. It's over, Nic. I've suffered enough. I don't need any more unnecessary pain.

Nicolae: I'll believe that when I see it.

Damon: You're coming to the Lair tonight, right?

Nicolae: Yes, of course.

Damon: Then you'll see it and believe it.

Nicolae: Let me doubt it a little bit, but that's okay. Let's go!

Nicolae stands up and makes a sign to Damon to do the same.

Damon: You're not going to pay?

Nicolae: Are you paying in the Lair?

Damon: Touché!

Damon also gets up and follows Nicolae out of the cafeteria. As they walk down the corridor ...

Damon: You know, when I came, I saw a dark-haired nurse I've never seen before.

Nicolae: You should be talking about Jessica.

Damon: Turquoise eyes, curvy butt, and bra size D.

Nicolae: That's her. She's new.

Damon: Does she know how to remove stitches?

Nicolae: I thought you didn't have time for games.

Damon: That's true, but it would be nice if she held my hand while you pulled my stitches

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Damon: That's true, but it would be nice if she held my hand while you pulled my stitches.

Nicolae: The hand, huh?

Damon: Yeah, you pervert. The Hand.

Nicolae: As far as I'm concerned, the pot calls the kettle black, you freak.

There Is No Light 🌇 Without Darkess 🌃 - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now