"It was a long meeting! I needed it."

"It was only 30 minutes."

"Listening to Adrain Graye talk for longer than 2 minutes is punishment enough."

That... was an excellent point.

"Welp, I'm off to bed before, whatever this mess is, escalates," Edric interrupted. And before Lilith could comment on Raine's wonderful observation skills too. Something they lacked in their early childhood.

Considering they decided knocking her unconscious was a much more efficient plan to avoid performing rather than the medical kit in her hand to fake an injury.

She's the empress, a level headed and efficient ruler. She trusts that whatever grudge she holds onto is a logical one.

Edric further interrupts her thoughts when he lands a small kiss on her cheek. Giving her a quick hug before heading towards the door. "Good night, mom. Love you!"

"If I catch you with more than three animals in your room again, you're going to be in trouble, Edric!"


Lilith stopped her son (her only one, she would have to do well to make sure he didn't die with all the reckless trouble he got into) at the door. Planting a kiss onto his head, she watched his embarrassed face blush red. After promising he wouldn't create a zoo in his room, Lilith let him leave. Knowing all too well her nagging would do nothing to stop him from at least trying.

She was too joyful to care.

"Wait! Lilith!"

Turning around, she saw that Emira was by the door.

She closed it, waiting for the fine sounds of a click to rush into her ears. Lilith stood patiently, but she said nothing. It was rather disturbing how red she looked.

"So," she finally mumbled.


Dear Titan- her face is so red. Was that something they got from their father? Or Odalia? Why did she look like she was about to faint? Was this a medical condition she should be worried about?

"I was thinking, you know how the, um..."

She was... nervous?

Emira was far too much like Lilith for her own good, but the one similarity she lacked was her nervousness. Her eldest knew what she wanted, when she wanted it, and wasn't afraid to take the leap. As the oldest, she had taken it as a responsibility. To have no fears and be stopped by no trepidation.

"I heard you knew how to make plum puffs. I don't know how to really work with geode plums."

Emira, her eldest, is asking to bake with her.

The child born with a shield for a heart and a sword for a tongue set down her weapons and armor to... ask to spend time with her?

Had Hooty drugged her food again?

"I was thinking maybe, if you aren't busy with your empress duties... I... maybe... the both of us could..."

Drugged or not, Lilith does her the courtesy of finishing the sentence for her. Sanctions her pride to be lost another day.

"Would you like to bake with me? Emira?"

Her head babbled with a small but furious nod.

"Uh, yeah. That'd be nice."

Emira is not made to be built of chain mail and steel. She's supposed to be made of flour, cinnamon, spices, stone stoves and rolling pins. Tied together in bandages and white ribbon. It would take a while for her to return to her roots, but Lilith was more than willing to wait.

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