Toddler Trouble

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"Hm? What was that dear?" Puzzled a ginger as his hips swayed to the old French melodies playing in that background. His hands busy with making breakfast.

A boy with warm hazel eyes making grabby hands at his apron began speaking.

"Hm, well... why don't I have a mommy?"


Splendid. Chuuya knew this day would come, he just didn't expect it to come so soon from his 4 year old son. Too soon.

Maybe, just maybe, if Chuuy stays still enough the toddler will just leave him alone...


What the heck, it's not like Shuji would remember this anyway.

"Well, uh that's because... you had two daddies. But one left... a long time ago."

"Oh.. did he leave because of Shuji?" The little one's eyes began to swell, glass beads threading to spill over.

"What?! No of course not! Don't cry angel, that stupid mackerel left before you were born...!"

"Mackerel, what's that?"

"A very, very smelly fish, my little angel." His tone bittersweet as a chuckle left his mouth.

The childlike giggles engulfed the kitchen drowning out anything else.


"You can't just leave the Mafia Osamu! This isn't one of your stupid game..! You'll become a traitor.. they'll hunt you down!" The ginger chastised, as angry as he was desperate.

The look the brunette returned was not that of a lover, but as the demon prodigy.

"Osamu, are you really going to turn your back on everything you, we know because of what Oda told you... Is this really what you want?" Chuuya's tone was firm as his teeth clenched, though his eyes were soft, pleading in a way.

"Oda's wishes are what I want, that is where my priorities lie."

"If you betray the Mafia Dazai, you betray me. Is, is that man really worth more to you than me..?"

In Dazai's hesitation, Chuuya found his answer

"I don't take kindly to betrayal Dazai," Chuuya seethed; though a slight tremble in his voice.

"If you leave now, everything that we have, and will have, are gone. If you leave we'll be no better than strangers.

"Goodbye, Chuuya."

Authors Note.               .                           .          .

Ah, finally done! This took me a lot longer than I would have like... still a bit rushed though....  Oh well, anywho tell me your thoughts on this story!

Thanks for reading! I'm

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