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Dazai sat beside a grave in a vast field, he looked at the hat resting there. A dark oak tree providing with shade against the harsh sun. Next to him was a bottle of 1964 Monopole. A moment of silence fell over the brunette.

The serenity was interrupted later on by a tiger wandering around. "Dazai-san," a boy with choppy white hair and a black highlight called out. "Ah, Atsushi-kun you're finally here." The older man grinned.
"Uh, Dazai-san... why did you call me out here?"

"Earlier, you asked me something. Atsushi-kun, I would like to reply to your question. Say it again." Dazai directed.

"Ah, uhm, Dazai-san, may I ask, do you truly really want to live?" The younger boy inquired. "I was just wondering with all the, attempts you make." Atsushi continued, a red tint marrying his pale face.

"No," the brunette answered. "I don't simply want to live; I want to learn how too once more." The older chuckled, taking the bottle of wine in his hand.

A soft silence consumed both men, finally, Dazai broke the tension.

"Atsushi-kun, do you know whose grave lies here," Dazai remarks. An air of quiet sadness pervaded from the taller man's presence.

"No, but they must be important to you, Dazai-san." The younger one mumbled without responding further.

Both Dazai and Atsushi stood up after a few moments of silence. Dazai taking the bottle in his hand and pouring it onto the grave.

"I guess you're right, you could say we were partners in every sense."

Turning to leave, the brunette stuffed his hands in his coat pocket. Atsushi fumbling to catch up to the brunette.

Author's Note

Hello, thanks for making it to the end. I hope it was obvious enough about who the lover was! (Cough*chuuya*cough) Anyway, I don't know if this was sad enough... but I got a few more stories coming out later! Thanks for reading!!!
(Sorry for any spelling mistakes!)

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