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It was spring, the first flower of the season had bloomed. The sun was beginning to go down, as pink began to bleed into the skies.

Kunikida was seated in a small booth located inside a quaint cafe, the blond couldn't help but purr while looking at his phone. Dazai had asked to meet here. Ordering a cup of coffee, Kunikida began waiting for the brunette.

What the blonde didn't expect was for a petite man, with ginger curls to come waltzing down to his table.

"Nakahara" , Kunikida hesitated. "What brings you here?"

"How long?" Chuuya directed, his puffy blues eyes not leaving the man for a second as he slid into the seat across.

Every refute died on Kunikida tongue from the redheads next statement.

"How long have you been sleeping with my husband, Doppo."

Authors note:                                                      _
Hello! Sorry this took so long I was busy with a few things! Anywho I hoped you enjoyed reading this story! I wrote it today in class and decided to post it, hope it had enough angst! Thanks for reading! (Sorry it's so short.)

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