But Alex didn't respond, so focused on the door ahead of them.

"You stole her! I'm just taking back what's mine!" Brent shouted as he leaned into the doorway.

"Stole her?" Amber yelled from inside the apartment, "I'm protecting her!"

"You're both not allowed to be here!" The foster mother screeched. "There are other children here!"

"Shut up," said Amber.

"Hey!" Alex said, making his presence known.

That's when Jo saw the gun at Amber's side. It seemed like no one else saw it. Everyone else was focused on Brent. Jo rushed ahead, "Gun!" she yelled.

In the doorway of the apartment, Amber held the gun low as Brent backed away, "Whoa," he said, holding his hands up.

"Oh my God!" The foster mother gasped and stepped back inside.

Jo thought she saw children's feet on the floor behind Amber, but it was a fleeting thought. She twisted and pushed Alex out of the way, intending to snatch the gun out of Amber's hand before she could pull the safety.

But the floor moved.

In motion, Jo stumbled and twisted, tripping. A loud pop! reverberated in her eardrums as she crashed into Brent. What? She thought before the walls cracked and the ground roared.


Meredith sighed as she scrubbed out. Her early morning surgery had been a success, and that felt good, but it didn't quell the emptiness she felt inside. She missed Zola. She'd barely had her, and she missed her already.

"Wow," Brooks rambled beside her. "That was amazing. I thought the guy was gonna be a goner, but you managed to salvage that liver... using a trauma move! I don't think I've even read-,

"Shut up Brooks," Meredith snapped.

"Shutting up Ma'am," the resident said and nodded. Meredith sighed and pushed back the door. Her stomach growling, she supposed she could force herself to have a bagel and coffee before rounds. "I need the labs ready for Mrs. Reed, before she's prepped for her gastric bypass," she informed her resident. "Page me when you're done. I'm going for breakfast. And don't call me ma'am.

"Yes ma'am- Sir- Dr. Grey, ma- Yes doctor."

She rolled her eyes at Brook's fumbling before exiting the OR floor.

In the attending's lounge, Meredith smoothed out Derek's scrub cap, fixed her hair and put on her lab coat. Her phone buzzed. She'd forgotten it here, earlier. There was probably a million messages on it from Maggie. Meredith flicked the screen, checking it. Yup. Wait, Lexie called?

She pressed the call button for her sister's number.

Half a ring went by before Lexie picked it up. "Meredith!" she answered breathless.

"Lexie, what's going on? You called me three times."

"Mere! I need to talk to you! Can you come over?"


"Please... I don't want to talk at the hospital or Joes, too much gossip. I'm freaking out and I need you!"

"You're freaking out? About what?"

"Just get here! Please?"l

"Okay, okay," Meredith consoled. "I'm on a break anyway, I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay, thanks."

"Ugh, sisters," Meredith muttered. At least they didn't live too far away, she could have Brooks text her the lab results.

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