Daniel wanted so much to deny it, yet he found he couldn't. He could not look Clara in the eye and lie to his daughter anymore, so he found himself unable to speak. But still his mind was going over what Clara had told him, and suddenly the realisation that Martha had known about the handkerchief sank into his brain. He now realised with some dismay that she had been the one who had found it and who had taken it to Isabella.

Suddenly, he had the answer that had been puzzling him since first wife's death, about exactly how the handkerchief ended up with Isabella. With this, his own sense of guilt melted a little to be replaced by a new cold rage towards Martha Rawlings and feeling so stupid he had not realised before now that she was the one responsible. How else would she know about the handkerchief?

Clara noticed the way her father's expression changed, his blue eyes  had hardened, his mouth set in a grim line, leaving her even more bewildered. He suddenly released her, before storming out of the room, purposely making his way up the stairs in great strides.

Clara decided to follow him, to find out what was going on, and what he intended to do.

Martha was considerably startled when the door of her room was flung open, and she found Daniel standing there glaring fiercely at her.

She backed away from him a little, not expecting this confrontation, imagining he would have been too busy trying to explain himself to his daughter, then come after her.

H-How dare you burst into my room, you have no right-" she started angrily, now recovering from the shock of his presence.

"I have every right, as of this moment this is no longer your room" Daniel replied stonily, "I just want you out of this house right now" he then informed her through gritted teeth

Martha just smiled, "You can't throw me out just because I told your daughter the truth about you. What is the wrong Master Daniel," her tone become taunting, "Can't you bear the fact that Clara knows you are not the wonderful father, but an adulterer who cheated on his pregnant wife, she has a right to know just as much as your wife did"

Daniel decided he had heard enough, this time she had pushed her luck too far "Enough! you are leaving, I am sick of your twisted mind, and the way you have tried to manipulate everyone for your own ends. Well it stops here" he snapped decisively ,

Then noticing the bag, which she had already packed with some of her belongings, he went over and grabbed it with one hand, and then Martha's arm with the other. Then he forcibly trailed her, out of the room and down the stairs as she still protested at his rough actions,

He kept his grip on Martha as he opened the front door, and with great satisfaction pushed her unceremoniously outside with such force she stumbled, and almost fell, before throwing her bag at her feet

Eleanor, had been away visiting Jess and checking on Mary's son who seem to be thriving well, So had just been on her way back to the house, when caught sight of the extraordinary scene, and now her footsteps quickened to find out what was going on

"Daniel, what is happening?" she demanded noticing the way Daniel was glaring at the equally angry housekeeper.

"Martha is leaving us a little sooner than planned. I refuse to have that woman under my roof one minute longer," Daniel informed her, his chest heaving with the effort of trying to control himself.

"Oh, why, what has she done, can we just toss her ou7t like this?" she asked with some concern

Martha now turned on Eleanor with renewed vehemence, "I don't need you of all people to fight my battles for me! You and your 'do gooding,' saintly ways make me sick, if he had never married you, everything would have been alright" she snarled

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