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By lilmatchgirl

I have discovered your talent very recently, but I'm glad I got to know of such a fabulous writer - you have helped to re-introduce the Mahabharata characters to me in such a human way that I have fallen in love with some of them all over again, and I am really thankful for that. Writing in such an engaging way in the verse of such a brilliant and classic world is not easy at all, but you makes it feel so natural, and it draws me in right into the world with them. I wish you all the best, and am thankful you share your work with the world!

By ICTinBlood

the bestest author~ love you and you 2 know that but you don't know how much I do. I have stayed up at night just reading your books and I just felt how you connect yourself with everyone I would go to you for advice in any book . Wattpad should actually take you as an ict writer. I never want to lose your books so don't let us (Wattpad and you) drift. don't let anything come between us (wattpad readers and you) we can last if we both try so don't ever stop I won't if you won't !

By misbahtanveer

Hi Neha.We don't know each other but you are 1 of the best writers I have come across. Your way of expression is so beautiful and you write beautifully, its treat to read your work. God bless you always

By ictFiction

Hi Neha, Just wanted to convey you are one of my fav writers here. The way you have written the ict fanfics and made us fall in love with them more and more.. that is just amazing !! I have seen so many writers being motivated by your stories and you have given them inspiration to write.. which is so great!!! Just continue with this and shower us more and more of your stories..

By h_o_neyco_ves

To Di,
It hasn't been long since we started messaging each other, but I found that we have somewhat similar views. I really like your stories, and your simultaneously great portrayal of Karna and Arjun, something that is rarer than a lying Yudhi in the MB fandom. I really like your writing style, Di, and hope to write as well as you, one day. I feel like you really ARE an elder sister, the kind and sweet way you interact with the people in your comment section. I hope we become friends in the future. I don't really know what to write, so I wrote whatever I could think of.
Wishing all the success to you.

By son2212

Neha, Cricket lover I don't remember whether we met on Wattpad or Insta but I do remember how we started talking. Our love for cricket made us friends and your love for KulCha also made me love them. I hope you become successful in your life and are able to meet cricket team one day.

Neha - Our Shining StarWhere stories live. Discover now