May Day

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Time jump:

Bobby watched her pace in front of him, her eyes falling on him every few seconds. "Athena, sit down before you make a hole in the floor."

"A hole?" She scoffed. "That should be the least of your worries."

"Sit down so we can talk about it." He knew she hadn't completely digested what has happen. "Athe-"

"You almost died." She snapped. "Correction you changed into a wolf after you got shot! Then you nearly died!"


"Then I had to stand there and watch someone shove a blowtorch into your wound!" Athena continued to pace the room. "I thought I was going to lose you, Bobby."

Hearing the small croak in her voice, he jumped to his feet and collected her into his arms. "I'm sorry." He hadn't taken the time to consider what it must have been for her. It was bizarre even to him and he was the one that got burned.

"I need some time to think." Athena mumbled into his chest.

Bobby tensed, flinching at her pulling out of his arms. "What do you mean by that?"

"I need to wrap my head around this." Placing a hand on his chest, she refused to meet his eyes. "To sort myself out."

He stopped the growl wanting out. Instead, he took a step back and nodded. "Okay."

"Bobby I'm not-" She was cut off by a low rumble. "Did you growl at me?"

Running a hand down his face, he shook his head. "There are certain things I still need to control about myself."

"Growling is one of them." She raised a brow.

"Yes." Looking down at his hand, he clenched and unclench it a few times. "You need space, I get it. I'll move back into my old apartment." Grabbing the duffel bag he had prepped for work, Bobby jogged out of the house. Her voice called out to him once more, but he refused to turn back. He needed her to truly decided on her own accord. Not influenced by him.

A week.

That's how long it had been since he has talked to his wife. He's seen her a few times on calls, but no outside work talk has been exchanged between them. He stopped himself a few times from calling or texting her. He felt drained both physically and mentally. It took twice the energy just to get through one call. His temper had been getting worse for the team to deal with. It has gotten to the point where they openly began to avoid him.

Except for Eddie.

The younger fireman had taken up an almost motherly role with the pack. The team had witnessed a few odd exchanges between Eddie and Bobby. Just the other day they walked up for lunch and caught the two settled on the couch. Bobby was laid out with his head on Eddie's lap asleep. The latter ran his hand through the captain's short hair while on a video call with Emilian. They didn't dare interrupt the scene for two reasons. One Eddie gave them a look that scared even Hen. And two it had been days since Bobby has slept. They noticed a few other things as well. The two were inseparable at times. They came in together and left together. Bobby would get hurt and Eddie was all over him like a mother wolf caring for their pup. May it be the other way around and you had an overprotective alpha caring for his pup.

"Don't give him too much chocolate." Eddie groaned at Emilian yelling too late and hanging up the call. "Bobby, how much would you miss Emilian if he went missing?"

"Not much." Tossing the chopped onions into the oiled pan, he grabbed the streaks and got to marinating. "How's the shoulder?"

Rolling his shoulder around Eddie grinned. "Not even tingle."

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