Dying pack

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Time jump:

Bobby stood on the side, as Emilian and Eddie exchanged numbers and spoke for a bit more. Once Eddie left, he made his way over to the younger wolf. In the spur of the moment and due to his overdrive of emotions, he grabbed Emilian from the front of his shirt and slammed him against the side of his truck. "What do you want with Eddie?"

"What?" Emilian flinched at the look in Bobby's eyes. The man probably wasn't aware of his eye shifting. "You need to calm down Nash." The animal inside him whimpered as he shrunk back from the anger radiating off his alpha. It was an overwhelming feeling. Almost as if someone was grabbing the back of his neck and forcing him down. "Your eyes are shifting."

"Why the interest?" Bobby demanded with a low growl. "Whatever is happening is between us. Do not bring my family into this."

Emilian raised his hand, a small whimper slipping out at the growl Bobby gave. "Bobby relax. I have no intentions of hurting you or anyone close to you. I honestly liked Eddie. It's been a while since I have been able to talk to someone so easily, without having to look over my shoulder. I am not here to harm anyone, just help you."

"I won't risk them." Bobby snarled. "I can't let that happen again. I won't."

"You still don't understand, your family has become a part of the pack. We protect ours, never harm them." Emilian placed a hand on his shoulder. "Bobby what you were given is a gift. You are seeing it as a curse or a mistake. If you embrace what you have become, you will see just how wonderful it can be."

"What's so great about turning into an animal." He growled. "What will my wife and kids say the day they find out?! I still haven't convinced myself this isn't some cruel joke. What makes you think I can be a leader to a pack of wolves?!"

"We have seen you lead your team." Emilian chuckled.

"It's not the same." Bobby sighed. "They don't turn into four-legged beasts."

"Listen to me, please. If you don't embrace this, you will be killed." Emilian knew beating around the bushes would get them nowhere. "Meet me in the woods tonight. Same place we met. If you don't show up, I will leave this alone. You won't hear or see any of us again. If you do show, I will teach you everything you need to know. Including how to keep your family safe." Patting him on the shoulder, he took off.

Bobby stood cemented in the spot for what felt like hours. He wasn't sure what to do. In a way, he wanted to know what his future held. How would this affect him, besides the whole turning? Was he prone to lose control? Could he be a potential threat to Athena and the kids? To his team? He needed answers and Emilian was the only one that had them. Grabbing his phone, he sent a quick text to Athena and jumped into his truck. He stopped along the way at least five times. Overthinking if he should do this. He could learn to control it himself. He's been doing alright on his own if you don't count the sleep shifting.

"You going to sit in there all night?"

Bobby had been so in his thoughts, that he hadn't realized he had arrived. Shutting the engine off, he jumped out. "What now?"

"A history lesson." Emilian took them deeper into the woods. "Come." They walked in silence for a good three miles before reaching a cliff. The moon was directly above them, illuminating the houses below. "This is where Erick would spend most of his time. Watching over the pack. It's also where he trained me."


"We aren't born learning how to control ourselves." He replied. "We go through phases. Our parents and elders help along the way. Your situation is different than us, you were bitten. It's been years since that has happened and due to the circumstances in which it happened, it caught us a bit unprepared."

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