Rabid wolf

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Bobby jumped out of the fire truck, scanning the dark woods before them. They had received a call in regards to an animal attacking a group of campers. Dispatch was able to pinpoint the location, but it was a ways from the main road. His team were quick to grab the equipment. They didn't know how many or how badly injured.

"Alright." Bobby turned back towards his team. "We don't know if the animal is still in the area, so be vigilant."

"Do we know what attacked them?" Hen asked.

Bobby shrugged. "Didn't say. But, my guess a mountain lion."

"Or a wolf." Buck suggested.

Eddie shook his head. "There are no wolves in LA."

"It is a full moon next week." Buck sang, following the others into the woods. "Maybe they were attacked by a werewolf."

"And you believe that?" Hen laughed.

Buck nodded, mustering up the most serious face he could. "I do."

"How about we don't talk about man turning into wolves, when we are in the middle of the forest. In the dark." Chim snapped. Hen and Buck shared a look, laughing quietly. "Children."

Bobby kept his focus on his surroundings. He was getting a bad feeling about this. Grabbing his phone, he frowned. 'No signal.' Reaching for his radio, he called dispatch.

"Dispatch, this is captain Nash. Be advised, we are nearing the origin of the call."

'Copy that Captain Nash.'

"LAFD!" Bobby yelled. "If you can hear me try and make some noise!"

"Wouldn't yelling cause the animal to come back?" Buck asked.

Eddie shook his head. "No, it will drive it away. If it feels it's outnumber, it won't attack."

"Or it thinks more food and co-"

Eddie slapped him on the shoulder, running off to the left. "Cap!"

Bobby ran over, grimacing at the mauled man. "This is captain Nash. We have a Hispanic male, mid-twenties with a deep laceration on the abdomen and a bite to the jugular. Have OR team on standby." Bobby allowed Hen and Chim to do what they did best. He glanced around, hoping the animal had ran off. No need in facing off with what ever caused those injuries. As he glanced around, Bobby found it unusually quiet. Not even the crickets were chirping. Grabbing his flashlight, he made sure the surrounding area was clear.

"He's coding!" Hen yelled.

The victim spazzed suddenly, screaming in pain. Smoke spilled out from his wounds, as he tried to push the paramedics off.

"We are going to have to restrain him to the board." Bobby ordered. "Buck, Eddie, help them with th-" In a spilt second something slammed into him, sending him tumbling to the ground.

"Cap!" Buck was jerked back by Eddie before he could make a move. "What are you doing?!"


All eyes turned to the scene unfolding in front of them. Bobby stood on one knee, holding the other hand out. A large brown wolf paced in front of him. His growls the only sound anyone could hear. Even the wind had stopped blowing. Bobby glanced around the forest floor, looking for anything he could use to scare it off. But seeing the animal had him wonder for a moment. No lone wolf would attack so boldly. This one looked sick. His fur was matted with blood and dirt. It's canines were pear white, stained with the blood of their victim. Before he could ponder more on the subject, the animal leaped at him. Using his arm as a shield, Bobby yelled as the teeth broke through his skin.


"Dispatch we need animal control at our location now!" Chimney yelled into the radio.

'Copy that 118, Animal control on its way. ETA 20mins.'

"Not fast enough!"

'That is the be-'

Eddie snatched his radio. "A wolf is attacking my captain! Send anyone with a fucken gun!"

'All available units proceed to this location. Captain Nash is in need of assistance ASAP.'

Dispatch center:

May's blood ran cold at hearing the desperation in Eddie's voice. Her heart pounding at the sounds of an animal growling and Bobby's pained groans through the radio. Grabbing her phone, she quickly dialed her mothers number.

'Hey baby, on break?'

"Mom, Bobby needs help." She knew reinforcements were on the way, but the closest one was 40 mins away. "I'll send you the coordinates, but you need to hurry."

'May what is going on?!'

"Just please hurry. You are the closest and I know you off, but please tell me you have your gun."


The team:

The team tried what they could in distracting the animal. Yelling and hollering. Banging on the ground and trees. But it was hell bent in ripping Bobby's arm off. Bobby tried kicking him off. Punching it. Biting it. But nothing worked. Reaching for a rock near his hand, he used it to hit the animal over and over. His blood was pooling from the animals mouth, staining the forest floor. It seemed to be in a frenzy for his blood. Using the rock, he bashed it against the animals noise. For a moment it lost go, but just as quickly he latched back on.

Eddie growled at seeing the blood flowing. His boss struggling to the get the wolf off. He felt useless at not being able to help. They were too far from the truck to get the hoes or any of the axes and run back. "We need to do something!"

"What?!" Hen snapped. "Nothing works!"

"Get this thing off me!" Bobby yelled. The amount of blood loss was causing him to feel dizzy. The pain was no longer there. His body felt heavy.

Athena came to harsh stop, running Into the last pin on the teams location. Not that she needed it, when the yelling and growls were clear as day. She wasn't expecting on seeing what she saw. The animal had her husband pinned down, mauling on his arm. Bobby kicked and punched in a failed attempt to push it off. Grabbing her weapon, she took aim.

Everyone ducked at hearing a gun go off. Looking towards the side, they spotted Athena running towards them. Bobby groaned at the animal releasing his grip and taking off into the woods. Falling back to the ground, he took in deep breaths. The air felt like little sharp needles pricking at his lungs. All he wanted to do was sleep.

"Bobby?!" Athena came to a skidding stop beside him. "Bobby? Are you okay?" Using her hands, she placed pressured on the wound.

"Yeah." Swallowing hard he raised a hand to her cheek. "It's just my arm. Nice shot."

Hen rushed to care for Bobby, wrapping his arm up. "It's going to need stitches, but it appeared he was holding down on this. There are no scratch marks or other bites."

"What does that mean?" Buck asked.

Hen sighed. "It means he wasn't looking to harm Bobby. Just detain."

Bobby chuckled, pushing himself to stand. "Could have fooled me. How's the patient?"

"Chim and Eddie are looking out for him." Hen said. "Come on, you need to get that arm stitched."

"I swear you will give me a heart attack one of these days." Athena sighed.

Bobby wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in for a quick kiss. "Sorry."

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