Close Call

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Time jump: 4 months

Bobby yelped at his back hitting against a tree trunk. Falling to the ground he refused to move. His entire body ached.

'Get up.' Emilian grumbled.

'Give me a moment.' Bobby huffed. 'I need a break.'

'If this were a real fight, you wouldn't get a break.' Emilian bit down on the scruff of his neck and tossed him further away. 'Get up!'

Bobby tried pushing himself up. He managed to stand hallway. His front legs trembled under the weight, before giving out under him. 'Damit.' He looked over to see Emilian stalking toward him. In a desperate attempt to dodge him, he forced his body to move and pounced on the incoming wolf. Latching onto the scruff of the wolf's neck, Bobby pushed him down to the ground. 'Enough!'

Emilian winced at the pain shooting up his side. 'Alright.' Waiting for the alpha to let him go, he slowly sat up. 'Listen I know we are being hard on you, but you need to understand that your title has its responsibility.'

'I know, you and the others haven't allowed me to forget that.' Bobby grumbled. 'I understand my role. Care and protect the pack.'

'Yes, but this training isn't just about protecting the pack.' Emilian sighed. 'It's to keep you alive Bobby. Your hand-to-hand combat is top-notch when in human form, but as a wolf? It's barely passable, a beta could beat you right now.'

'It's not easy moving in this body.' Bobby pushed himself up, pausing at feeling his legs tremble.

Emilian chuckled. 'You need a run.'

Bobby frowned. 'Run?'

'Yeah, you've only ever shifted for training or when provoked. Never for the hell of it.' Standing up he nudged the alpha. 'Come on.'

'What?' Scrambling to catch up with Emilian, he was getting even more confused. 'What are we doing now?'

'Just follow my lead.' Emilian snapped at him playfully.

Bobby dashed through the woods, leaping over thin winding creaks and slippery rocks. He dodged and zipped past rotting oak trees and under lowered and snapped branches. Everything blurred into a dizzying blend of earthly colors. The earth was wet and moist under his paws. He jumped into a muddy brook, swollen by the recent rains, soaking up his paws and legs. The woods began to widen and thin layers of fallen pine needles and sentinels disguised the perilous and rocky terrain. He ran beside the twisted creek which mirrored the deep green of the trees. Bobby leaped over a fallen pine tree, which had damned the flow. He raised his gaze to the top of the treetops and listened to the trees, as they came to life.

Reaching a rather large section of the river, he stopped at the edge. Tossing his head back, he released a low howl.

Emilian gave out a loud howl before bolting after his alpha. It took no effort to catch up to him, Bobby's scent was forever embedded in the minds of him and the pack. Their colors became one as they ran together, a lot like a dance.

Bobby wasn't sure when it happened, but at some point, the pack appeared running just behind them. No one dared pass them. The critters made their way as the rulers of the forest dashed through. Their pounding paws, sounded like thunder hitting the ground below. Their howls echo past the trees and over the mountains. As Bobby howled, the pack howled back.

Emilian slowed his pace, allowing him to take the lead in the run. Running alongside another beta, they both shared a look. Bobby may have been born a human, but he was destined to lead a pack. As the pack continued to run, Emilian stopped. At that moment the pack had accepted their new alpha. Showing proof they would follow him where ever he went.

The White Alpha Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora