Not one of them

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Bobby stared at him before bursting out laughing. "If this is a joke from Buck." Emilian knew this wasn't something he would believe just like that. A little show-in-tell would be in order. Standing up, he moved the furthest side of the living room. Removing his shirt and pants, he dropped on all four. "Wh-what are you doing?" Bobby jumped from his seat at seeing the man begin to shift. His bones cracking, shifting into place. Before he could comprehend anything, a large black wolf stood where Emilian stood before. "No. There is no fucken way!" Placing his hand on his hair, he turned to face the window. "This is a nightmare. That's all it is."

"It's not a nightmare." Emilian shifted back, reaching for his clothes once more. "This is what we are."

"We?" Bobby scoffed. "I am not that. I am not a monster."

"We are not monsters." The wolf growled. "That night you were bitten by a packmate gone mad. He made you into this. It was always going to happen, but not like this."

Bobby fell to the couch in complete shock. "Werewolves are not real."

"We are very real my friend." Emilian chuckled grabbing his glass. "We have been here for many years. Our kind goes way back in history. But due to hunting, we have been forced into hiding."


"Hunters. Humans dedicated to hunting us down." He replied. "Bobby, you will need a lot of training to control this."

"How so?" Bobby was still in a state of shock.

Emilian grabbed his hand, pointing to a scar on his arm. "For one, no more fights with other packs."

"Fi-" Realization came to him. "The dead wolf."

"Yeah." He chuckled. "You put on one hell of a fight I give you that. For a new wolf that is."

"I don't remember." Bobby muttered.

"It's common." Emilian handed him a glass of water.

Bobby took the glass, tossing the water back in one gulp. "How is that even possible?"

"When a wolf is created or born, they are marked." Emilian began. "When that wolf bit you, he marked you as well. That wolf you killed belonged to Ace's pack. You may not have known it, but you came to the aid of your pack. You saved our alpha, who in return marked you as a member of this pack. By the time we arrived, you were a bloody mess. It was a surprise I'll say that much."

Bobby snapped his gaze up at him. "I was a wolf?"

Emilian nodded. "Large white one."

"Holy shit." Bobby exhaled a chuckle. "This can't be true."

"Oh, it is very true." Emilian laughed, slapping him on the leg. "Come."

Bobby followed him out of the house and into a large building. Walking in he gulped at seeing the number of people in the building. It reminded him of a school cafeteria. Long tables ran down the length of the building. On one end was the kitchen area.

"This is where the pack eats." Emilian explained. "You hungry?"


"Right then." Guiding him out, he steered Bobby back out into the courtyard. "I know this is a lot to take in, but there are things we need to discuss."


Emilian, pulled out a ring from his pocket. "Belonged to our alpha." He handed it over to Bobby. "Only to be worn by the next alpha."

The ring was of an open mouth wolf, with a white pearl in its mouth. "Belonged? What happened to him?"

"He was ambushed and killed." Emilian stated. "You stopped them actually. That night, you came to the aid of your alpha and pack."

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