
JJ walked down to where the RV was parked to return the guitar to Glenn, or Dale, or whoever it belonged to. "D'you finally get the role of Annie Oakley in the school play?" She joked at Andrea. 

"I'm tired of washing clothes. I wanna help keep the camp safe."

"Yeah." JJ deadpanned, "I didn't ask." She knocked on the outside of the RV even though the door was already opened, "Anybody home?"

"It's just me." Glenn told her, putting his book down on the table. 

She walked in, leaning the guitar up against the edge of the sofa. "Thanks for lettin' me play. Really takes my mind off everything."

Before she could leave the RV, Glenn stopped her, "Um, JJ, can I ask you kind of an awkward question?"

"I don't like where this is going, but sure, Glenn." She sat down across from him at the table, "what's up?"

"Are you on your period?"

"Yeah, I knew I wouldn't like where this is going." JJ huffed, "Why do you ask?"

"I'm only asking cause it's like all the women are acting really weird. And I read somewhere that when women spend a lot of time together, their cycles line up and they all get super crazy hormonal at the same time."

JJ pursed her lips and slowly nodded, "Okay. Glenn, I'm gonna advise you to not tell any other women your theory."


"What do you mean all the women are acting weird though? Like, who?"

Glenn scratched his neck, "Maggie."

"Kinda figured." JJ mumbled. 

"She started out being mean to me. Then she wanted to have sex with me. And now she's being mean to me again. And I don't even want to know what's going on with Lori." Glenn blabbed. 

"Lori?" I raised an eyebrow. The rest sounded like typical Maggie. She was the queen at giving mixed signals to men. Hell, I couldn't even tell if she liked me when we became friends, and she reached out to me.

Glenn's eyes widened, "you're Rick's sister."

"Thanks for letting me know." JJ sarcastically stated. "What's going on with Lori?"

"Lori's your sister-in-law." Glen realized. 

"Very good observation, Glenn. Now what about Lori?"

He shook his head, "nothing. I don't know."

"You suck at lying."

"I just- I don't-" He rambled. 

"Walker. Walker!" We heard Andrea shout from the roof. 

I looked up and back to Glenn, "Saved by Shotgun Sally for now, but we are finishing this conversation later."

Glenn and I moved out of the RV to be met with Rick, "just the one?" 

"I bet I can nail it from here." Andrea put her binoculars down. 

"Oh, yeah, sure, and I have a chance with Leonardo Di Caprio." JJ mumbled, causing Glenn to snicker. 

"No, no, Andrea. Put the gun down." Rick demanded. 

Shane and T-Dog both grabbed weapons, "you best let us handle this."

"Shane, hold up. Hershel wants to deal with walkers."

"What for, man? We got it covered."

"Damn it." Rick also grabbed a weapon. JJ followed Glenn, Shane, T-Dog and Rick down through the field. 

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