23. Power & Dominance

Start from the beginning

Eventually Maya realize that her tactics were not going to work she decided to restrategize.

Maya: all right this is definitely not working I need to think.

But before she could think Y/n L/n took his opportunity to attack he raised his left hand towards her his fist clenched but instead of summoning a weapon five mysterious objects fired out of the holes in his hand these five objects were arrows but these weren't just any type of simple arrows these were special psychic Infinity arrows each one powered up by 5% of the full power of the Infinity Stones even though they had such a miniscule charge of the Infinity Stones these arrows were never to be trifled with or underestimated these arrows could both act independently or through the user's psychic command these arrows could travel up to 80% the speed of light at full power they were durable enough to survive nuclear blasts and they were accurate enough to cut the Wings off a fly from a mile away.

But before she could think Y/n L/n took his opportunity to attack he raised his left hand towards her his fist clenched but instead of summoning a weapon five mysterious objects fired out of the holes in his hand these five objects were arrows but...

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(A/n): this illustration was drawn by me based off of the design of the Yucca Arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy

Y/n L/n smiled as five of his 10 arrows flew around his body.

Y/n: Time to dance a little dance for Daddy my little pretties~

Y/n L/n used a simple psychic command to allow his arrows to go flying the Five Arrows started flying towards his opponent she tried to dodge out of the way but these devices were not easily shaken she noticed that they were coming back towards her she took off into the air trying to avoid getting hit but every time she ducked dodged or weaved out of the way they would just follow her they would instantly change direction eventually the arrows caught up to her and they proceeded to pierce not only her force field but her armor the arrows continued to pierce her armor not only doing excessive damage but completely destroying the infinite stratos core everyone was totally flabbergasted and shocked to see that something was powerful enough to not only pierce the force field but completely destroy an infinite stratos with such ease but most surprising of all the arrows did absolutely no damage to the person operating the Infinite Stratos Maya started Falling Towards the ground and she was now completely defenseless and susceptible to this High fall but before she could get close to the ground Y/n L/n flew towards the falling teacher with blinding speed he then caught her like a knight in shining armor from a storybook Maya looked up at her conqueror and savior she was very happy to have been saved she started to have inappropriate thoughts about her student but she quickly shook the thoughts away remembering that she was a teacher and this was her student she quickly dashed away those thoughts and locked them away never to be thought about again.

Maya: thank you for saving me, could you please put me down now?

Y/n: well since you said the magic word I don't see why not~

Y/n L/n gently put down his teacher she stood on her own two feet she took a deep breath to compose herself and when she was recomposed she looked back at her other students they were all shocked flabbergasted and a bit horrified at what they had just witnessed Y/n L/n at the same time used a small psychic command to recall his arrows they immediately returned to their rightful resting places Within the arrow silos within his hand once the arrows had returned to their rightful resting spots Y/n L/n disengage His Infinite Stratos it disappeared in a flash of pink light his cybernetic left hand returned to normal.

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