15. The hard-hitting truth

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3rd Person POV.
Location: Willy Wonka's chocolate factory Germany

Right now in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory Y/n L/n is giving the occult research club of the new age academy a grand tour of the factory.

Y/n: over there that waterfall is the most important part it's mixing the chocolate it's actually churning the chocolate makes it light and frothy you know no other Factory in the world mixes the chocolate by waterfall it's the only way if you want it just right~

Akeno then noticed something strange across the river.

Akeno: hey everyone you might want to see this.

Everyone looked across the river and they noticed the Oompa Loompas who are currently doing their duties because now is the time for creaming and sugaring of the chocolate River.

Rias: what in the name of the dark lord is happening over there?!

Y/n: it must be creaming and sugaring time.

Kira: what are those creatures I've never seen anything like them.

Y/n: they're Oompa Loompas imported from Loompa land.

ORC: Lumpa land!?!?

Akeno: I'm sorry to say this cutie but there's no such place as Loompa Land

Y/n: well I'm sorry to disagree with you but they're absolutely is a Lumpa land that's where the Oompa Loompas come from.

Rias: listen I may only be a high school student but I do know a thing or two about geography-

Y/n: well then you know what a horrible place and Country it is it's full of nothing but desolate wastes and horrifying beasts.

Rias: you know what I'm not going to argue about this let's just move on.

Y/n: good idea there's no time to go down that rabbit hole.

Koneko: what kind of place does Wonka have here?

Y/n: madames et messieurs, nous allons faire un petit voyage par bateau voulez-vous entrer le wonkatania?

Rias: I didn't know he could speak French.

Everyone watched as a beautiful paddle boat emerged from from a tunnel the boat itself was quite beautiful to say the least.

Rias: a beautiful boat Mr Wonka has.

Y/n: all I ask is a tall ship and a star to sail her by that's what Mr Wonka always says now all aboard grab a seat cuz they're going fast!

Everyone got on board the boat everyone took their seats and they got ready for the ride of the lifetime.

Y/n: you're all going to love this simply love it~

Y/n L/n was ready to give another performance as the boat began sailing down the chocolate River it began to make its way towards the tunnel.

Koneko: this is not going to end well.

Kira: where we going?!

Rias: I don't know but I don't like the looks of that tunnel.

Y/n: round the world and home again that's the sailor's way!!!

Soon enough the boat entered the tunnel and it started picking up speed as they traveled down the tunnel they kept going faster and faster and eventually the tunnel became what can only be described as a gateway to Hell everyone started seeing disturbing images and terrifying visions and all while this was happening Y/n started singing once again but this time he was singing in a disturbing creepy manner.

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