Chapter Sixteen: Survived The Great War

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"Sunset!" I turned and looked at whoever was calling my name to see Halo standing there. "They're alive."

    "What?" I was shocked, they should definitely be dead. "Wait, how do you know?" Jace was already unlocking the wheels of the chair and getting me moved.

    Halo came closer and met Jace and I in the middle before turning and walking beside me as we went back to the room. "His tracking signal came on, but it was going way to fast. Turns out, he's in an F-14. And who knows how to fly one of those museum pieces?"

    "Maverick," I concluded, hope dawning on my face. "Holy shit."

    Halo laughed. "I'm telling Phoenix you swore, but you're right. Holy shit. They've already given Hangman the command to launch to provide air cover. There are still bogies in the area, after all."

    As if on cue, we heard the sound of a jet being launched off, followed by it zipping off into the sky. We hurried into the room with the radio and found everyone crowded around it. "Hurry!"

    We got over to the radio and listened in, and I tried to make sense of all the words since my head was still muddled with grief and despair. The only things we could hear were command's radar reporting, including the bandits getting shot down by the F-14, and their attempt at getting in touch with them.

    When command reported a third bogie in the air, I felt coldness cover my whole body. "Oh no, no, no, no," I whispered. This was not good this was so not good.

    And then we heard Hangman's voice over the radio. "I see 'em, firing missile now," was all he said. It was silent until we hear him again. "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts, return your tray tables to their upright and locked positions and prepare for landing."

    The room erupted into loud cheers, Halo leaning down immediately to hug me, others giving out high fives and fist umps along with their whoops of joy. "They did it, they actually did it!" someone cheered.

    "Let's get up there!" Coyote shouted and everyone quickly agreed.

    Jace got a hold of the steering handles and we followed everyone else. Thankfully this thing had elevators, otherwise I'd have to be carried up the stairs and with those crazy people? I'd end up back in the hospital.

    We all got out there just as Hangman landed, sliding to a halt pretty quick. His canopy opened rather quick after, and he came out of his jet to be greeted with our group and the other Daggers who had already landed.

    Jace had me stay back, just so my casted limbs wouldn't get accidentally knocked around. It was a good view, though, cause I was able to watch Maverick buzz the tower as he turned to land on the ship.

    They were raising a barricade, though, telling me this would be an interesting landing. As they came in, and engine went out. "Oh for the love..." I muttered, hoping the other would last long enough to allow them to land.

    When they did, they nearly slid off the edge. The firemen on the carrier ran up with their extinguishers quickly, ensuring the plane didn't burst into flames.

    At first, I was okay, and then I saw the canopy open and Bradley's head popped out. "Jace, move me closer," I said. I realized I really needed to see Rooster right now, and I'd do anything to get closer. Jace carefully pushed me closer, but still kept his distance from the large crowd.

    I knew I'd have to wait my turn, but I really couldn't wait too long. My eyes were trained on the top of Bradley's head as he made his way around the crowd. "Rooster!" I yelled, and saw his head turn in my direction. However, there were too many people in his way.

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