Chapter Six: Summer Nights

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The next morning, I successfully slept in until 10, only waking up when Nat started to shake me. "Get your sweaty ass off my couch and go to your place to change," she said. After a few groans and some swearing from Natasha, I was awake and heading to my assigned housing to get out of the flight suit. It wasn't the most comfortable to be in for 24 hours.

    By some luck I didn't run into anyone on my way. I looked out, of course, for Rooster and Bagman. One because I didn't want to answer his questions right now, the other because I'd be dishonorably discharged for nearly killing a fellow pilot...

    When I got back into my housing, my first order of business was a shower. I felt disgusting and needed to wash off the sweat from the day before. Also, a warm shower does wonders for helping me relax.

    Nat made some comment about a girls day with Halo, so I figured civvies were in order. I grabbed a pair of jeans and the t-shirt for one of my favorite bands and wore some black and white sneakers. Hopefully we weren't going for a "Sunday Brunch" vibe.

    I finished putting on some makeup- something I never do when I have training for obvious reasons. It took me some time to get to the finished product, but it ended up being the perfect amount.

    A knock sounded at the door and managed to echo back into my bathroom. "Coming!" I called, putting the last of my things in my makeup bag. I ran up to the door and peaked through the window before opening. "You guys all ready?" I asked once it was open.

    Nat and Halo nodded, so I grabbed my purse and made sure to lock the door behind me. From there, it was time to walk around.

    Fightertown doesn't have much to it when you first look, mainly because the fighter pilot school taking up most of the view. But when given the chance to look closer, there's a lot more to North Island.

    A lot of it is still Navy related, mainly focusing on TOPGUN and all of those things. The three of us found our way into a small museum dedicated to some of the high ranking naval officers who graced North Island's presence. There was even a picture of Maverick and Iceman, one that also graced the halls of TOPGUN.

    We looked around, holding in our laughter at some of the funnier photos that found their way into the museum. Then, we found the wall of graduating classes and managed to find everyone in the mission squad. I couldn't help but laugh at Hangman in his- he looked like such a kiss ass. Still was.

    I stopped on mine. Halo and Nat saw it, and then kept going; not without some teasing. However, I couldn't move. Baywatch's eyes seemed to bore into mine, as if trying to tell me something.

    "Sunset," Nat called, and I finally looked away from the photo to where she was. "I, uh, don't know if you'll want to come through this spot. It's an honor wall."

    My heart dropped at those words. I knew exactly what she was talking about. And while I didn't want to face Baywatch, I knew that I needed to.

    With a deep breath, I walked towards it. Nat's hand found my shoulder and she gave it a squeeze. Halo looked at me, smiling sadly, before I looked away to find who I was looking for.

    I found Goose instead. "Holy crap, it's Goose," I said. The other girls quickly crowded by me and we saw Rooster's dad looking back at us. He really did look like his father. The hair, the mustache, the same goofy smile.

    "They look so much like each other, it's so fitting," Halo whispered as we continued to look at Goose's photo.

    Another moment goes by before I finally move myself to face the one face I was scared of seeing.

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