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Chapter 97

    Xu Luofei took Yu Yaxin's arm and continued walking.

    It's just that she suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness, wondering if it was her miscalculation that might cause danger to herself and the heroine?

    The closer she got to the place she was preparing for, the more uneasy she felt.

    She took out her mobile phone, and pressed the number of the nearby police station on the interface, so that she could call it in case of any problems.

    But when she took Yu Yaxin to the corner, nothing happened.

    The gangster who was supposed to be behind them didn't appear either, Xu Luofei's bad premonition intensified, he pursed his lips, and glanced behind him secretly.

    The sidewalk is empty, only the wind blows, and the shadows cast by the big trees on the street under the streetlights fluctuate layer upon layer.

    What about people?

    Xu Luofei frowned.

    "Feifei, what's the matter?" Yu Yaxin looked at her little expression with some doubts.

    Xu Luofei quickly turned her head, pursed her lips, and said obediently, "Sister, I always feel that the street is too deserted today, where have everyone else gone?"

    Hearing what she said, Yu Yaxin realized that the atmosphere was not right, I glanced left and right, but I didn't see anyone. Even the shops that were usually open were closed, and there were no cars driving on the street.

    "In this way, it really doesn't seem right..."

    Yu Yaxin gradually became uneasy, "Feifei, let's go faster."

    Although there is a road next to it, it doesn't give Yu Yaxin much sense of security.

    A dark light flashed across Xu Luofei's eyes, it seemed that he couldn't let the other party take the bait today.

    She felt helpless in her heart, but nodded obediently on her face, "Okay~" The

    two soon passed several forks leading to the alley, and then returned downstairs to Yu Yaxin's house.

    Until entering the house, still no other accidents happened.

    It seems the plan failed. Xu Luofei looked at the closed door of the room and raised his eyebrows.

    She went into the kitchenette as usual and started to make dinner.

    Yu Yaxin tidied up their things and was about to go into the kitchen to help.

    The moment he stepped into the kitchen door, the phone rang.

    It was Yu Yaxin's own.

    "Feifei, I have a call." She backed out from the kitchen.

    "Okay sister~" Xu Luofei happily took something from the refrigerator, and replied.

    Picking up the mobile phone placed on the entrance cabinet, the calling number displayed on it was a stranger, and Yu Yaxin picked it up without hesitation.

    She thought it was an ordinary sales call.

    "Hello, hello." The

    other side was silent for two seconds.

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