Chapter 17

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Alexander ran with Jeannette in hand, running away from the Chauncey mansion. Where were they even going??

He took her to his car and invited her in. She hesitated but didn't want to go back to dinner.

"Where are we going?" Jeannette asked.

"I don't know. Wanna go for ice cream?"

"Sure. Sounds fun."

Alex smirked as he turned the car, knowing exactly where to go.


Jennette's POV

Why did I expect him to buy me gelato ice cream at a fancy restaurant? Probably because he's rich and even drives a Tesla....

Whatever, a popsicle from 7 eleven is still ice cream. I even bought 3 chocolate bars to save for later. We ate in the car quietly, there was an awkward silence that only I seem to be bothered by.

Although I tried to say something, my mouth just doesn't know what words to use. Luckily I was saved by my phone notification ringing. I unlocked my phone and read the message Lucas sent. I don't want him and Athy to worry so I decided to lie.

Cousin in law 👽🎵

Where are you?

At the dinner.

It's rude to have your phone out during dinner

I'm in the washroom.
Escaped to reply 🙄

Okay. You're with your dad?

No I'm with the tooth fairy.
Yes I'm with my dad he won't
abandon me here. Yet.

You sure you're with your dad?


Then I heard knocking. I slowly turned to the window to see Lucas peering down with a disappointing look.

I sighed. Alex seemed alert. "Do know this guy? Is he sent by our parents?"

"That's my cousin's boyfriend. It's okay, he's on my side." I said. I crumpled the popsicle wrapper and tuck it into a plastic bag. Seeing me opening the car door, Alex followed.

"At dinner huh." Lucas said as I face him.

"Sorry...." I sighed. "I lied cause I didn't want to make you worry."

Lucas folded his arms. "You not being honest would make me worry even more. I have a right to know what happens."

I pouted, mumbling stuff about him being too overprotective.

"Look, Jennette. Before I found my real family, you were my first little sister. I care and feel responsible to you like an older brother because all these years you've also treated me like one. You know Athy is protective of you too." Lucas explained. He added sternly, "Especially with your poor choice of men."

I felt like crying. I feel so loved when my cousin and cousin in law care for me like this. "I'm sorry Lucas. I promise I won't do this again."

"You're just like a kid." Lucas chuckled. "Now, care for a introduction?" He gestured to Alex who was standing behind me.

"Oh right! Lucas, this is Alex, my supposed fiancé. We escaped that horrible dinner together, as you can see. Alex, meet Lucas, my cousin's boyfriend. Also known as the greatest, most amazing, awesome and talented music producer of all time."

"Cut the flattery you're not getting away with this." Lucas ruffled my hair.

The two boys awkwardly shook hands. It was very awkward. I hope Lucas can just leave already. Thankfully he was doing that.

"I gotta get going." He said then pointed a finger at me. "Don't stay out too late." He directed his finger to Alex, "Don't try anything. My girlfriend can twist your head and I'll dispose your body."

Lucas left without even listening to me whine about how overdramatic he was being.

I turned to Alex who let out a sigh of relief. Even though Alex is older, Lucas can be extremely intimidating. People cower at his murderous aura.

"So, should I take you home now?"

"I want to say no, but Lucas really killed my mood. Let's go."

We stayed quiet as Alex drove. The radio being the only thing filling the silence. Arriving at the front gates, I said, "Thanks. We could hang out again if you want."

"It'd be my pleasure. Gimme your phone, I'll type in my number."


I jump onto my bed while sighing. Mom and dad were waiting for me in the living room but I didn't even spare a glance. I'll stop avoiding them tomorrow, I thought.

Being mad at dad seems rather pointless now. I'm actually glad I met Alex again. He was fun to be around with. Would this mean the engagement would go through? Why don't I hate the thought of it anymore? Is it finally time for me to move on from Ijekiel? Am I... ready?

For now, I'll sleep.


Hello!! I haven't been active for a while. I got writer's block along the way of writing.

Really sorry for not updating. I was thinking a lot about how to conclude this chapter. That's it for Jennette's POV btw.

Here's what you can anticipate in the future;
Jennette's relationship arc is just beginning, and Lucas can't shake off the feeling he's being watched. Why do accidents keep happening around him? 

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