Chapter 6

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Claude wouldn't be happy if any boy steps inside his home with the purpose of taking his daughter on a 'date'. Hence Athy went to the school with her personal driver instead of partner. She would meet Ijekiel there.

Jennette stayed in Athy's house since morning in order to get them both ready. Lucas practically lives there, given he strides in like it's his home. So technically the first man to see her in her dress that night was Lucas -and Claude. Can't forget Claude. Lucas, knowing this little fact, feels smug and overjoyed. He can't let his guard down yet though, their plan has yet to initiate.

It was just as the girls predicted, the black haired boy couldn't take his eyes off when he first saw her descending the stairs. Her golden curls fell on her back, her white and pink dress complimented her figure beautifully. The pink roses as her main theme were brilliant.
Pink the one his breast pocket. Like the small pin on his necktie. Damn that crafty Jennette secretly coordinated their outfits so they would match! Now Lucas wonders if he could've helped her match at least one accessory with Ijekiel.... nothing he can do about it anyway.

Lucas and Jennette arrived together in the same car, all for their plan to go perfectly.


The party was in full swing. Girls and boys went wild dancing together at the centre of the hall. Meanwhile, Jennette made a fuss, 'crying' about how her hair is tangled and she looks ugly. Athy had to calm her down by taking her to the bathroom to fix it up. As they walk towards the exit, Jennette gave a signal to Penny, who executed her mission. She bumped into Ijekiel, 'accidentally' spilling fruit punch all over his blazer.

Penny apologize a million times. "I know! I think Jennette has some detergent in her locker... You ...can wash it off!" It sounded outrageous. Why would a high schooler have detergent in their locker? Well according to Penny, Jennette kept them after using it for the Art Club and Drama Club joint project. Ijekiel has no choice but to believe her when she confidently ushered him out to find the brunette.

Meanwhile, Jennette stalled Athy from going back to the gym where prom was held. She saw Penny running with her crush.

"Jennette! There you are! Hey can you get Ijekiel that detergent from Art and Drama joint? I'll bring Athy back with me. Don't forget to wash it properly or else it leaves a stain and that suit looks so expensive I'm not rich like you guys. Come one Athy let's go!"
Penny said everything in nearly just one breath. At the last sentence she took Athy's hand and ran again, leaving the other two alone.

"Um... So.. shall we get the detergent?"


Lucas was waiting for the signal but instead Penny came running up to him and said very fast once again. "Oh look! The dance is about to start, we should dance but your partners aren't here. Why don't you dance with each other instead, yeah that's a great idea. GO!"

She pushed Athy towards the black haired boy and ran away. Again. Luckily Lucas managed to catch her.

The music slowed down, each teen stopped their wild moves and danced with their partners.

Since they were pushed to the centre, it will be awkward if those two didn't dance as well. Lucas put both his hands on her waist while she put her hands on his shoulders. Swaying in the music, they enjoy their time.

"Has Kiel said anything to you?" Lucas suddenly asked.
"Like what?" Athy raised an eyebrow.
"Like if he confessed or anything."
"No not at all. W-why?"

"I like you."

"..." Athy's jaw drops.

"I was late in asking you to be my date for prom. But I won't lose to him in confessing. I like you so go out with me." Lucas said seriously.

Truthfully, Lucas was confident because of what happened that morning. He went to Claude's office to get his blessings. It took one sentence to convince Claude.


"You want my blessings?" Claude asked menacingly. "Why would you think I'd give it to you."

"Because I'm the best choice for your daughter. All men around her are flies, buzzing annoyingly. If it's not me.....then you and Roger Alpheus would be in-laws." Lucas said. Claude's eyes widened. Not in a million years is he gonna be related to Alpheus.

"You're kidding."

"Not at all. That's right, Mr. Obelia. The white dog likes Athy. Both father and son can't seem to stop bothering you huh." Lucas smiled. The very intimidating man in front of him sighed and agreed for Lucas to date his daughter. He knows it's true, nobody is worthy of his beloved daughter other than Lucas.

End of flashback

"I....I am afraid my dad might kill you though." Athy said.
"You don't have to worry about that. I got his blessing. And your mom's." He smirked. He told Athy everything that happened as they dance.
"Ijekiel likes me?"
"I thought it was obvious."
"I thought he liked Jennette!"
"Which reminds me, I gotta thank her. She loves Ijekiel. But she hates how he loves you. It was all our plan."
"Wait you guys planned this??"
"Yup. I'll do anything if it means you're mine."

Athy stopped dancing and gripped his arms. "You want me to be yours?"

"I want you, you're mine. And I'll be yours."

She had always known he was handsome. But something about the lighting made him look extra gorgeous. There it is again. The hard beating of her heart. She could hear it like it's being broadcasted by the speakers. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Maybe her mom was right. She likes someone. And that someone is Lucas.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, leaning down slowly.

Athy raised her head a bit and kissed him in the lips. They pulled apart and heard everyone around them applaud.

"I always say they look good together."
"They're childhood friends. Of course there are some feelings!"
People were saying things like that, congratulating the new couple.


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