Chapter 4

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"Who is this boy, honey?" Carax's wife, Lana, asked him.

"Just a student of mine." Carax said. He briefly explained how Lucas came to the shop to learn music. His wife formed an 'o' shape with her mouth and nodded.

Since then, Lana would bring packed food for Lucas to eat. She pitied him when she heard his story of being an orphan. They heard it from a local customer who was familiar with the orphanage. She didn't know why, but Lana felt the responsibility of being a mother figure to this fragile boy. Yes he looks fierce and mature, but all children are fragile in their own way.

Lucas brought Jia with him to the store to show her where he has been hanging out the past week. Lucas was ecstatic to show his 'sister' how he could play the bass guitar. It was still the basics, but he'll catch up soon enough. Jiyoon was relieved he seemed to be having fun.

"Noona, can we go to the convenience store? I want snacks." Lucas asked. He was feeling a bit hungry after his lessons. Jia was about to tell him yes when Lana came holding a paper bag with food she packed.

"There's no need for that. Here, I made extra." Lana said while taking out the containers. Jia tried to refuse but the older woman insisted. They sat at the table, waiting to be served. Lana gave them a serving of everything.

"Is this kimchi? Wow, I miss eating this!" Jia said, feeling nostalgic.

"You're half korean right? I lived there before migrating to America to live with my husband." Lana said.

"Here, Lucas. This is called kimchi. Does this taste familiar?" Jia gave him to try some.

"Mmm! It kinda does. Maybe my parents made it before." Lucas answered. The music store couple's hearts softened at their interactions. They weren't real siblings but they were close like one. The older sister takes care of her brother very well.

Jia and Lucas spends a lot of time at the music store with its owners. Lana thought of them as her own children and took care of them a lot.


"Lucas! Come here!" Miss Julia, the orphanage director called him. He followed her to her office where he saw Jia, Lana and Carax.

"Have a seat, Lucas." Miss Julia said. "It is to my attention that you two have been spending a lot of time with this couple here without me knowing."
Oh no. Lucas panicked. He thought he was going to be in trouble but it was actually the opposite.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lee have contacted me regarding the two of you. Congratulations, they would like to adopt you." Miss Julia smiled brightly.

The children had their jaws dropped. Was this real? All his life, Lucas was told nobody wanted him, that he would be lonely forever. Those were all lies. If it were true, why would Athy befriend him? If it were true, why would he get adopted? He lived constantly bullied but he finally won in something.

"Really?! Lucas! We're gonna have a new home!" Jia exclaimed. She was so excited for their future.


Lucas told his best friend the good news at the playground the next day.
"That's amazing Lucas!!!" Athy exclaimed. She was happy her friend found a forever home.

"I know right! We're moving tomorrow. I already packed all my stuff because I can't wait to get out of here. Every kid is annoying and mean to me. I'm glad Jia Noona is coming too." Lucas said. He noticed that Athy was suddenly gloomy.

"We can still be friends right?" She asked.
"Pfft no way, who would be friends with a shorty like you." He teased. Athy hit his head while puffing her cheeks.
" Hahahaha! I'm kidding, of course we can be friends."

"Pinky promise?" She held up her pinky and he laced it with his. "Pinky promise."


10 years later

Athanasia walks into school with her cousin Jennette while talking. They have the same class so they always go together.

"Can I see your notes again?" Jennette asked.

"I thought you have your own." Athy said.
"I do but yours are prettier." Jennette said while giving puppy eyes. Athy sighed and agreed which made her cousin happy.
"You should stop relying on your cousin. Considering your tiny brain though, makes sense for you to copy her homework." Lucas jeered. He earned a scowl from Jennette.
"Hey! I'm not copying her homework, I'm just looking at her notes." She defended herself.
"In which you're gonna use for your homework." Lucas said.
"Obviously! Sorry I'm stupid." She pouted. They continued to bicker while going to their desks.

Unfortunately Jennette and Lucas were deskmates. So they fight all the time. Mainly because of Athanasia. But Lucas prefers to tease the blondie more rather than her cousin.

"So," Jennette faced him after the teacher left to get some materials, "Are you gonna ask her to the dance?"

"Ask who?" Lucas pretended to not know.
"Athy of course! Don't pretend to be stupid. You know that I know you are absolutely in love with her." Jennette said. Lucas blushed furiously.

"Ugh. I want to but that white dog seems to have the same idea."

"So what? I thought you are Lucas the amazing genius of the country. Surely you'll win her over." Jennette encouraged him. She ships those two so badly, but both are idiots when it comes to love. Besides, Ijekiel is her crush after all.

"Tch. Of course I am amazing. You're right, I won't lose to that whitey." Lucas said proudly. "Just one thing..... Would you help me?" He asked sincerely.

"Oooh, the great and mighty Lucas is asking help from little old me?" She smirked.

"Yes! Please. I'll buy you the limited edition album." He said.

"Hmmm. I could ask my dad for that." She stated boredly.

"Darn you rich girl." He scoffed. Then he got an idea. "How about in exchange for you helping me get Athy to say yes, I'll help you score a date with Ijekiel. And I'll throw in a signed special never to be found photo card."

Jennette perked up. "Now that's a deal." They shook hands, signaling the start of a deal.


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