Chapter 2

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It was supposed to be a good day for him, but his bad luck seems to be increasing. Claude woke up to his 5 year old daughter making smiley-faced waffles for him. His wife was also there. The two angels in his life, making a simple breakfast in the morning is all it takes for him to be giddy all day. He doesn't show it of course.

Unfortunately, one of his workers came in his office shuddering while holding some papers looking like a scared puppy.

"S-sir, we have some problems regarding the newly ordered instruments." A worker said. Claude stayed quiet, only glared. The worker gulped and continued, "The company we originally ordered from was involved in a huge scandal so their business has been shut down, cancelling all their contracts, including ours."

"And how did all of you pick such a worthless company? Aren't you supposed to be great employees of A.O that even I, the president, can't go without?" Claude said sarcastically. His worker turned white as paper. Claude must've heard them say it somehow. The whole department boasted their job but never do it properly in the first place. It was about time Claude fires them.

Seeing the man moving his mouth up and down like a fish out of water, Claude gave instructions to Felix immediately.
"Send a notice to the department on the 4th floor-" he turned towards the still trembling worker "-I'm guessing that's where you come from.The entire department, except a few on this list, are fired. They have 24 hours clean up." With that, Claude stood up and went out the door with Felix. Passing by a devastated crying pathetic dunce.


"I have to do everything myself again," Claude grumbled. You can rely on no one but yourself.

He looked out the car window as they pass by some buildings. They have been driving for 20 minutes without any destination. Felix was getting tired. Luckily, Claude asked him to stop. A certain store sign caught his eye.

The Treble in Time Music Store

He doesn't know why, but he just felt like going in. An old bell sounded when he opened the door. The store had a vintage feeling around it yet the interior was modern.

"Welcome! I'm Caraks. What can I help you with?" A white haired man stood from behind the counter.

"Hello. I own an entertainment company and need someone to supply me with the right equipment and instruments, and could perform maintenance on a regular basis. Do you think you could do that?" Claude asked.

"I supplied for schools and private tutors before but never for a large company. However, if you really need it, I can sign a contract with you. I figured that would be easier to work around our schedule." Caraks proposed the idea of a long-term contract to ensure their worker and stocks availability.

"That doesn't sound bad. Felix, get the papers ready." Claude smiled faintly. Looks like the store owner knows exactly what he wants. Claude hates useless fuss so he was glad this man was straight to the point.

"I've contacted the secretary, he will be here in 15 minutes. Sir." Felix said.

"I thought you would want to discuss this some other time! How about we go to my office upstairs?" He chuckled and led them to his office. He was a bit surprised when Claude immediately asked for a contract.

Everything else proceeded smoothly after that.


Athy went to the park again. This time, she was looking for a certain black haired boy.

Her face brightened when she saw said boy sitting on the swings.

"Lucas!" She shouted as she ran.
He looked up and his eyes widened, not at the sunshine girl running towards him, but at the amount of guards hiding in plain sight. He was always this observant, like he was born with it.

"Hey, wanna play together?" Athy asked.
"Um... Okay?" He said, still awed at the invisible guards.
Athy took his hands and led him to the playhouses where all the other kids were playing. Lucas freed his hands and stood at the side, not following her.

"What's wrong? Don't you wanna play with everyone else?" She asked.
"Those kids never let me play with them." He mumbled. Since some kids from the orphanage were there too, he felt uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm letting you play with me! Let's go." She smiled a sparkling toothy grin. Lucas took her hand and followed wherever she took him.

They were playing in one of the smaller playhouses, just them two. Athy didn't want to feel even worse by forcing him to play with other kids. So, she tried her best to make him smile by herself.

"Hey! You can't play here, this is our turf!" Some older children came and said.

"No it isn't. You weren't playing here anyway."
"Yes it is! We claimed it! And we can play anywhere anytime we want."
"It's built on the property of A.O association for all children to play in."
"Since I own it only kids with my permission can play here. And what's A O aso.. assoco..?
"A.O association is a huge business that my daddy owns. Means my daddy owns this place! Which means I own this place, you twerp!" Athy shouted.

Suddenly a bunch of people in suits show up with Lilian and Felix.
"Athy, what did I say about yelling at others? We'll talk about this later." Lilian scolded. "As for you, young man, where are your parents?" She asked the bully.

"I-i.." he was nervous because of all the scary people around them.
"They're at home..."

"Did you get permission from them?"
"I-i didn't."
"Now that's really bad. They must be worried! Why don't you go back home and apologise to your mother and we can forget everything that happened at this park." Lilian had a way to scare people without looking like it. The bullies scurry away like rats.

Lilian turned to Lucas and bent down to his height. "Are you alright, Lucas? I heard last time you didn't get permission either." She asked. This time her voice was filled with worry instead. It was the first time she saw Athy truly enjoy playing with children her age, since Claude was very strict on letting her out.

Lucas answered slowly, "You're right. I didn't get permission. It's not like anybody cares anyway...." He mumbled the last part. Then a fist hut his head.
"Who says nobody cares?! I care!" Jia showed up.
"N-noona?! I am not even out past curfew. How did you find me here?"
"Miss Lilian gave me a call. Are you hurt anywhere? What did those bullies say?"

Jia fussed over Lucas and thanked Lilian again.

"I don't wanna go back yet," Lucas pouted when Jia tried to take him home. She coaxed him again but failed.
"I know! Let's go to my house!" Athy said abruptly. "Please Lily Please please please!!"

Lily sighed. How can she say no to those pleading eyes? "Alright. But let me give a call to your mother first."
No way was she going to call Claude. He'd say no before even listening.

"Madam Diana said that you can bring a friend home." Lily said after a quick phone call.

"Yay!" She cheered, holding Lucas's hand up.

"W-wait! Is this really okay?" He panickly asked.
"I guess so. We still have a long time before curfew." Jia answered. Truthfully, she always wanted Lucas to have a friend. She is constantly worried for him since she frequently saw him alone, until he was playing with Athanasia.

Lily and Felix escorted them to their car—or limo—and told the driver to go home.

It wasn't the typical home Lucas sees in his neighbourhood. It was unlike Jia's friend's house. It was a mansion. Large, extravagant, fancy. She was afraid to even step inside. It was so different from their world.

Right, they're from different worlds. How could I even think to be friends with her, he thought.

"Let's go inside!" Athy pulled Lucas and Jia in her 'house'.


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