Chapter 28

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🎶 Songs of Chapter:
We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift
Magik 2.0 by Becky G featuring Austin Mahone

< Two Days Pass >

Becky's POV

I'm such a mess

It's been two days....two days since I broke it off with Austin. I didn't want to, but I had to. He was lying; that's one of my greatest pet peeves. Maybe, just maybe, we could get back together in the future. I might be crazy, but I'm definitely not going to be mean and say 'We Are Never Getting Back Together' every time he calls on the phone.

(A/N: no hate to Taylor, I love her)

He hid a secret so big from me, he could have just told me. I'll admit, I wouldn't have approved of it at first, but then I'd remembered no one knew about us.

Right now, I'm eating ice cream and watching The Fault in Our Stars. It's barely at the part when Hazel and Augustus meet for the first time at the church.

Ugh, they're so cute together

I remember the first time I met Austin. Heck, I didn't even know who he was when I first heard his name. I somehow managed to remember that day perfectly.

Dr. Luke introduced me to him while he's introduced himself. I remember that Dr. Luke had some technical difficulties with the buttons to record the song and told us that we would record tomorrow. We went to go eat In-And-Out-Burger after that. Man, that was delicious. The next day, we were just playing around with each other and making some great memories.

"We're making Magik." I smile. "Oh, okay," Austin smiles. "We're just making Magik," I laugh. "We're making Magik," Austin laughs with me.

I sigh, If only I could relive that day.

"It's a metaphor. You put the killing thing between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing," Augustus Waters smirks.

That's one of my favorite lines from that movie.

Hazel walks away from Augustus and opens the car door.

Why can't love stories be like real life?

I sigh at that thought. That would be nice.

I want ice cream

I get up and walk to my freezer to get strawberry flavored ice cream. I open the freezer and search the tub of ice cream. I finally find it and take it out. I walk to the kitchen drawers and get the ice cream scooper. I skip back to the ice cream and set the scooper next to it. I skip back to the cabinets and reach out-well, more like jump, to get the bowls.

Short people problems....not cool

As I make my way to the ice cream, I grab a spoon in the process. I open the tub of delicious strawberry flavored dairy and set the top down.

(A/N: no pun intended)

I grab the scoop and put about....five scoops in the bowl.

Don't judge. I can eat a whole medium sized pizza, and I'll still be hungry.

I put the top back on and place the ice cream in the freezer. I grab the spoon and bowl and head back to the couch.

Aww man, I forgot the most important thing, whipped cream.

I sigh and walk back to the fridge.

I've been sighing a lot lately. Eh, I'll probably get over it later.

I open the fridge and take out the whipped cream. I shake the can and take off the top. When I swirl the cream on top, I walk back to the couch and finally relax.

No more getting up

Augustus is in his jersey and jeans holding flowers outside her door.

Oh my gosh, I just simply adore this part of the movie.

They walk around in the skeleton playground and sit down on the blanket Augustus was kind enough to bring. Now, he's explaining that virgin circle thing.

I find this part extremely hilarious

I might've been laughing too long because it's already on the part where he takes her back.

Aww, I missed the movie

I know nothing happens in between those parts but, it's The Fault in Our's the best movie ever made

Now, I'm at the part where Hazel's talking with Gus on the phone.

"Okay?" "Okay."

Ugh, the feels

Their relationship is liperf. Why couldn't Austin and I have that type of relationship? Oh yeah, because we're not in a fricking movie.

I look down at my bowl of ice cream.

It's so good


Now, I'm at the part where Gus is at the gas station. Tears are streaming down my face as I continue to eat my ice cream. Okay, maybe I got some more. But hey, when you're depressed, food is always by your side.

I feel like Hazel right now. Gus lied to her about being fine just like Austin lied to me about not dating Camila. They kept big, humongous, enormous lies from us.

Lying hurts.....a lot.

If there's one thing about lying, I think it would be this.

Boys lie more, but girls lie better.

I mean, it's only the truth.

When guys lie to you, you feel used and stepped on. Trust me, it's not a good feeling. I'm sitting here watching the saddest movie I've ever seen while eating strawberry flavored ice cream. I don't think you want to do yourself. It sounds like it's the best thing ever, but it's not. You just sit here in your own pity by yourself. No one else comforts you but food. You just always have to remember fries before guys; just like guys remember bros before hoes.


A/N: school SUCKS 😅🔫

Short story:

I was trying to get Madison Beer's follow, but instead I got Grant Landis' follow. (he's a YouTuber 😍💁🏼) and Mama quoted my tweet 😍😭😭👏👏 plus, IM MEETING TAYLOR MICHAEL CANIFF 😍😭😭😭


Who's gonna be depressed on May 24?


Mee 🙋🏼🙋🏼 Carter McCoy Reynolds is gonna be fricking 19!! 😭😭😭😭 he's grown up so fast.

Quick early birthday wish to Dreamer_Mahone_74 bc her birthday is is this Saturday ❤️

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