Part 12

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As they spent more time together, Han could feel himself letting his guard down again. Lee Know showed up to Han's apartment one day, came in and laid on Hans bed. He didn't say anything he just laid down looking at the ceiling. Han looked at him as he lay there. Lee Know was so beautiful without even trying and Han could feel the ice around his heart melting as he looked at him. Then Lee Know spoke saying "Is there something on my face?" Han cleared his throat and said "Uh no, um why did you come here hyung?" "Not that I need an excuse to come here but I did actually want to ask you something." Lee Know said. Butterflies began to fly around in Han's stomach as he thought 'What could he have to ask me?' "I know last time we took a trip it didn't go all that well but Dae-Hyun and Jeong-ho asked me to go camping with them this weekend and I wanted to see if you wanted to join us. I promise I won't make a move on you this time." Lee Know said nervously laughing. "Sure. I will go, I had a lot of fun with Dae-Hyun and Jeong-ho last time." Han said excitedly. Lee Know's face lit up as he heard him and said "Ok cool, Jeong-ho is going to pick us up this time." The weekend finally came and Jeong-ho drove to pick them up.

This time Lee Know sat in the front instead of in the back with Han. Han couldn't help but feel a little sad that Lee Know wasn't beside him. He began to wonder if Lee Know was starting to move on from him. When they arrived at the campsite, Dae-Hyun was already there struggling to set up his tent. Jeong-ho went to go help him, leaving Han and Lee Know alone. "Uh should we set up our tent?" Lee Know asked awkwardly. "Our tent? As in we are sharing one tent together?... Alone?" Han asked nervously. "Uh yeah... Is that a problem? I mean we used to be roommates at one point I didn't think it was a big deal. Would you rather sleep with Dae-Hyun or Jeong-ho?" Lee Know said. "No! I mean... It's not a problem." Han said. As they were working on setting up the tent Lee Know got a bit overheated in his jacket so he took it off. Lee Know took off his jacket revealing a tight black t-shirt underneath and Han watched his biceps as he hammered the spike to hold the tent into the ground. Han bit his lip slightly as he stared, unable to take his eyes off of him. The usually good at pretending Han was starting to lose control and his true feelings were beginning to seep through.

After setting up the tent, Lee Know cooked an amazing meal over the fire pit there on the campgrounds. Han watched as Lee Know cooked and thought about how great of a catch he was. 'Anyone would be lucky to have him... and he likes me...' Han thought as he began to blush. It was still hard for Han to grasp that fact but Lee Know had made it clear his feelings for him so there was no denying it to himself anymore. While they were all eating Lee Know leaned over and whispered in Han's ear "Watch Dae-Hyun, I put wasabi in his lettuce wrap." The hairs on Han's neck immediately stood on their ends as Lee Know whispered in his ear, his breath tickling him. He suddenly imagined when Lee Know had kissed him there and how good it felt. His body began to get hot just thinking about it. 'He just whispered something Han, pull yourself together!' He thought as he cleared his throat trying to calm himself down. Han watched Dae-Hyun as he took a bite and his eyes got wide and he started panting and fanning his tongue. Lee Know's laugh echoed through the quiet forest bringing a brightness to the dark wilderness surrounding them. Han felt his heart swell with the sound of Lee Know's adorable laughter. After denying himself the feeling for so long Han smiled warmly at Lee Know as he thought 'Damn it. I love him.'

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