Part 8

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"Ok so dinner and walking the waterway, it's pretty cold out so I will definitely need my coat... hmm... what should I wear? I brought like 3 different options. I couldn't chose because I didn't know what we were doing..." Han said speaking a mile a minute as he rooted through his duffel bag. "Ugh I should have hung this up! Do you have an ironing board?" Han added as he began to pace around looking for an ironing board. "Han. You have got to chill. My friends do not care what you wear or what you look like and neither do I, just wear whatever you will be comfortable and warm in." Lee Know said grabbing Han's shoulders to stop him. "Ha sorry, I guess I'm just nervous to meet your friends. I want them to like me." Han said laughing nervously. "Why?" Lee Know asked. "Because I know how much they mean to you." Han said simply with his big doe eyes looking up at Lee Know. 'Fuck. Why does he have to be so cute?' Lee Know thought looking down at him. Lee Know picked up a blue sweater from Han's pile of clothes and handed it to him saying "This one. You look good in it, it gives you Channie hyung like shoulders." Han grabbed the sweater and said raising his eyebrows "Oh really? Me likey." "Don't ever say that again." Lee Know said facepalming. Han laughed and took his clothes to change in the restroom. He came out in pants with a belt that cinched the blue sweater at the waist and converse. The thin sweater hung on him just right, accentuating his chest and shoulders. Lee Know checked him out head to toe and cleared his throat before bringing him his coat. "Yeah that sweater is too thin, you will need this coat." Lee Know said as he began to put the coat on Han. "Alright! You are ready! Let's go!" Lee Know added smacking Han's ass as he left the room. Lee Know was known as the butt hunter in their group but it still somehow took Han by surprise from time to time.

They traveled by train to meet Lee Know's friends at a restaurant in Incheon. They walked in the restaurant and Lee Know immediately spotted his friends and went to greet them. Han knew who they were even though he had never met them because Lee Know had told so many stories about them. Lee Know's tall and stylish friend came up to introduce himself saying "I'm Jung Dae-Hyun, nice to meet you." "Seo Jeong-ho." The other friend added. "Great to finally meet you both I have heard a lot about you, I'm Han Jisung." Han replied politely. "Oh we know you too, everything we hear from Minho is 'Han Jisung this, Han Jisung that.' We feel like we know you already." Jeong-ho said laughing. "I hope they were good things." Han said laughing nervously. "Oh definitely, he's always raving about you and your talent." Dae-Hyun said. "Right! And about how close you two are, to get him to stop talking about you is the real problem." Jeong-ho added. Han's eyes widened and felt himself starting to blush as he turned to Lee Know. "They are exaggerating, don't listen to them." Lee Know said brushing it off as he took a sip of his drink. "Ahh Minho is just being a tsundere as usual." Dae-Hyun said. During the dinner Dae-Hyun and Jeong-ho got to feel first hand what it was like to be 3rd wheel to Han and Lee Know. "Ooh we have to go ride on a boat at the waterway after this!" Jeong-ho said. "Oh my God and the sun will be setting! How romantic!" Dae-Hyun said excitedly. "Don't say weird things Dae-Hyun! You are going to freak out Han Jisung ssi!" Jeong-ho said punching Dae-Hyun in the arm. Han just laughed before saying "I am younger than you both so you can speak comfortably." Han said although he was using formal speech with them. "Alright then you can call us hyung." Dae-Hyun said smiling.

Han was amazed at how Lee Know was able to find and keep such good friends for so long. He had always had trouble making friends before joining Stray Kids and even a bit after forming their group he still struggled with getting along with everyone. He was suddenly reminded of when he first met Lee Know. How jealous he was of him and how he subconsciously tried to push him away like he had with the others. But it never worked with Lee Know, he was so chill that arguments with him always seemed to fizzle out and they got along almost instantly despite Han's immature personality at the time. He really admired Lee Know for his abilities as well as his personality. The way that Lee Know didn't care what other people thought of him and how he worked hard continuously for his own personal growth rather than recognition from anyone else. Once he had let his guard down his jealousy turned into infatuation. He found himself getting really close with him, even beginning to develop feelings for Lee Know he didn't know he was capable of. It wasn't until Lee Know got eliminated that things began to change. Watching him leave the group broke him. Han had always suffered from bouts of depression and issues with his self worth so when the person he had feelings for was taken away he felt like it was the universe reminding him that he was a fool to think he had the right to be happy with someone like Lee Know. He began to harden his heart, even when Lee Know was brought back the damage was already done. They of course became close again because it was inevitable. They were drawn together like magnets, but Han never entertained the idea of anything more than friends again. He was scared that if he let himself feel for Lee Know to the extent he did before that he would end up heart broken again.

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