Part 9

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After dinner they walked to the waterway to all take a boat ride together. They paid the captain of the small boat and all proceeded to climb on. Lee Know got on the boat after his friends and extended his hand to help Han unto the boat. Hans foot slipped as he stepped on leading Lee Know to grab his waist steadying him. As Lee Know held Han's tiny waist he gulped as his heart began to beat faster. "Hurry up and sit down! The sun is already starting to set!" Dae-Hyun yelled. Jeong-ho elbowed him as he pointed for Dae-Hyun to look at them. Dae-Hyun looked at Lee Know and Han seemingly having a little moment and yelled out again saying "Oh I mean take your time! No rush!" Jeong-ho slapped his own forehead so hard at how stupid his friend was. Lee Know let go of Han and they walked back to their seats behind Dae-Hyun and Jeong-ho. As the boat began to go out further into the water the sun began to set, painting a beautiful picture of reds, oranges and pinks across the sky. But Lee Know was unable to focus on the sky as he was mesmerized by something else. His eyes were fixed on Han as he watched him grinning at the water and city views. A golden glow fell over Han's face as he watched the sunset. "Wow hyung, this is beautiful. Im glad you forced me out of the house today." Han said chuckling as he turned to Lee Know. A peaceful and content smile slowly crept across Lee Knows face as he looked at him. Dae-Hyun and Jeong-ho were completely turned around and staring at them at this point but neither of them noticed a thing as they looked into each others eyes. Dae-Hyun faced forward again and said in what was supposed to be a hushed tone but was most certainly not "Hey Cap, got any romantic music?" Jeong-ho kicked Dae-Hyun and he added quickly "I mean got any music Cap?" Jeong-ho shut his eyes, wishing he could slap him. Lee Know hearing the whole thing turned to them and thought 'Oh God, now them too?' Lee Know cleared his throat and scooted away from Han slightly.

They finished the boat ride and walked around the waterway taking in the sights. They stopped in an area with a bunch of vendors and food stands for a break. "I saw a stand over there is selling chocolate cake." Lee Know said to Han. "Oh I saw that too, looks delicious." Han replied. "Here, take my card and get some." Lee Know said pulling out his card to hand to Han. "What? No I can pay for it myself hyung it's ok." Han said. "Stop pretending to be humble and go buy yourself some cake." Lee Know said laughing. Han scrunched his eyebrows before laughing and taking the card as he said "Ok you got me, I can't say no to free cake!" Lee Know smiled softly as he watched Han walk to the food stand. "Well meeting Han has confirmed everything we already assumed." Jeong-ho said to Lee Know. "What's that?" Lee Know asked still looking after Han fondly. "That you are totally in love with him." Jeong-ho said bluntly. "What? In love? Have you lost your mind?" Lee Know asked defensively. "No but you have. You are totally crazy about him. You are like a completely different person around him, he brings out this soft side of you that I have never seen before." Jeong-ho said. "I knew it, you both were being so weird on the boat. You guys ship us too. Why can't people accept that Han and I are just friends?" Lee Know said. "You already came out to us in high school Minho, you don't have to pretend." Dae-Hyun said. "I'm not pretending to not like boys, I'm pretending to not like Han!" Lee Know said realizing what he said as soon as he said it. Both Dae-Hyun and Jeong-ho's eyes got wide. "I meant I don't like Han!" Lee Know said trying to back track quickly. "Nah it's too late, your mouth said the truth before your brain could come up with a lie." Dae-Hyun said. Han started to walk back balancing 4 containers of cake on top of each other. Lee Know took the opportunity to leave the awkward conversation with his friends and ran over to take two off the top so that they wouldn't all come tumbling down.

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