Part 7

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"Hey what are you packing for?" Seungmin asked as he walked past the open door to Lee Know's room. "Oh Han's coming with me to my parents house for the weekend." Lee Know replied. "Is that right? Can I suggest something? Make a move." Seungmin said bluntly. "What are you talking about?" Lee Know said. "Don't play dumb with me hyung. I know how you feel about him. What do you have to lose?" Seungmin asked seriously. "A lot." Lee Know replied just as serious. "And what would you have to gain?" Seungmin asked. "What do you know?" Lee Know said angrily. "I'm choosing to cash in that favor now." Seungmin said stepping further into the room. "I don't want to hear it Seungmin." Lee Know said as he shoved the last item of clothing into his bag. "What you can do for me hyung, is allow yourself the chance to be happy." Seungmin said earnestly. Lee Know looked at Seungmin for a moment before grabbing his bag and brushing past him through the door in a huff.

Lee Know arrived at Han's place to wait with him for his dad to pick them up. He tried to forget what Seungmin had said. "So you guys are going together? Just you two?" Chan asked sipping his protein shake. Lee Know narrowed his eyes at Chan as he thought 'Great. Now is he making some kind of snide comment too? They are as bad as Stay trying to ship us together.' "Is it too late to back out? I have never spent a lot of time with your parents, I feel weird intruding in their home and their time with you." Han said. "It's less than two days Hannie, they really don't mind." Lee Know said. "Oh my dad just texted that he is here, let's go." Lee Know added grabbing his and Han's bag. "I can carry my own bag hyung!" Han protested as he followed after him. "Just come on, you will be lucky enough to be able to drag your homebody self out the door. Hurry up, he's waiting!" "You are really evil forcing me to do stuff Lee Know hyung!" Han whined as he dragged his feet. They arrived at the car, put the bags in the trunk and got in. Much to his dad's surprise, Lee Know did not get in the front seat and instead sat in the back with Han. "Nice to see you Hannie." Lee Know's dad said looking in the rearview mirror. "You as well sir!" Han said smiling forcefully. "What do you boys have planned son?" His dad asked. "Well we are meeting up with a couple of my friends and we thought we might head to Incheon." Lee Know replied. "Ooh Incheon, that should be fun. Are you boys all going to go to the waterway?" His dad said. "Not sure yet, definitely going to get dinner and then see where to go from there. I think this is the first time Han is meeting the guys." Lee Know said. As he said this he looked over at Han who had begun to scratch his own leg repeatedly in a rough fashion. Lee Know reached over and gently put his hand over Han's to stop him. Han immediately stopped and moved his hand from under Lee Knows. But Lee Know kept his hand rested on Han's leg for a moment causing Han to look over to him. Lee Know gave Han a knowing nod, rubbing his thumb a couple times on his leg to comfort him before removing his hand and putting it back in his own lap. All the while Lee Knows dad watched through the rearview mirror. He smiled slightly before returning his eyes to the road.

"We should get there just before lunch time, I hope you boys are hungry!" Lee Know's dad said. Han had felt a lot more at ease since Lee Know had comforted him. "I'm starving! I love your moms cooking." Han said excitedly to Lee Know. Lee Know smiled softly at the giddy Han. They arrived at Lee Knows family home, took their bags in and greeted his mom who was in the kitchen already working on lunch. "Oh hey mom, do you need help?" Lee Know asked. "Yes Minho sweetie can you cut those for me?" His mom said pointing at some onions on the counter. "And what should I do hyung?" Han whispered to Lee Know. "Uh I don't know, just go relax, hang out with my dad." Lee Know said. Han's eyes got big as he nervously walked over to where Lee Knows father sat on the couch. After sitting in silence for a while, Lee Knows dad turned on the tv to a fishing show. "You like to fish sir?" Han asked trying to make conversation. "Love it." Lee Knows dad said simply. "That must be where Lee Know hyung gets it, he took me fishing once but I was no good at it." Han said laughing nervously. "Mhmm." Lee Knows dad mumbled. 'I see he is also a man of few words like Lee Know.' Han thought. Han decided to give up on conversation and just watch the program silently. He found himself looking around and he began to watch Lee Know helping his mother in the kitchen. He had an apron on now and was helping prepare the meat. Han noticed that Lee Know had the exact same smile as his mother as he watched them laughing together. Han smiled fondly as he watched Lee Know cooking. Lee Know's father followed Han's gaze and saw that he was staring at Lee Know and cleared his throat. Han broke out of his trance and looked back to the tv. Lee Know's dad chuckled a little under his breath but then played it off as a cough. Lee Know moved on to cutting the onions like his mother had originally asked. As soon as he started his eyes began to water. Han glanced over to him and started laughing at how silly he looked struggling not to cry while cutting the onions. "I swear I'm not crying! It's the onions!" Lee Know said tears streaming down his face. Han laughed heartily with even his eyes smiling. Lee Know's mother cracked a smile at the sound of Han's laughter and looked towards her husband. Her husband smiled softly to her before looking at Lee Know. He watched as his son laughed and smiled brightly looking at Han.

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