Part 5

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They were filming for a Tik Tok live as a group and a game came up where one member would be blind folded and had to guess the member sitting down by feeling their body waist up. It was Han's turn to be blind folded and the members began to talk amongst themselves of who should be the person in the chair that Han had to guess. Suddenly Changbin pushed Lee Know towards the chair and the staff from behind the camera all gave enthusiastic thumbs up and silent cheers. 'These staff too are acting so weird.' Lee Know thought as he remembered the staff from the tv show filming the other day. Lee Know shook his head rapidly, disapproving of him being the one in the chair before Hyunjin and Changbin began to push him towards it. Lee Know was forcefully sat into the chair as he glanced around to see Felix and Seungmin looking a bit too excited. Han walked towards Lee Know and began reaching out to touch him. Lee Know gulped hard before Han's hand even reached him. Han made contact with Lee Know's shoulder first before moving his hands all over his chest and back. Lee Know held his breath as Han's hands wandered around his upper body. He tried desperately to keep his cool but failed once Han began to touch his chest where his nipples were under his shirt. Lee Know's eyes grew wide as he squirmed on the chair, trying to move to avoid his touch. All the while his ears and neck turning beet red. Felix and I.N. squealed quietly as they hid their faces, peeking through one finger.

Han could hear their muffled noises and figured he better move on from wherever he was touching. His hands moved up to Lee Knows face. Lee Know stopped moving as Han cupped his cheeks. He looked up at him with sparkling eyes as Han began to caress his face trying to guess who it was. "His body is pretty muscular but his face is small. Geez who could this be." Han said still feeling around Lee Knows face. His hand then brushed against Lee Know's lips on accident with one of his fingers slightly slipping into his mouth. Han pulled his hand away quickly as he said "Oh sorry sorry, I didn't mean to..." He began to blush not knowing whose mouth he just accidentally stuck his finger in. One of the staff members squealed aloud as this happened and covered her face giggling. Seungmin and I.N. covered their mouths in a bit of shock. Lee Know gulped hard as he glanced down quickly thinking 'this better end soon or there is going to be a problem.' Han then reached out one more time and touched Lee Know's nose. He stopped in his tracks knowing exactly who it was now. His face became burning hot and his hands clammy as he shakily said "L-Lee Know hyung?" He took off his blindfold to meet eyes with Lee Know. They were both blushing vividly where everyone could see. "Well that was painfully awkward to watch, who's next?" Chan said laughing, trying to lighten the mood and move on.

After the live was over Lee Know avoided Han at all costs. Han watched as Lee Know walked away swiftly not even looking at him. "Did I do something to make him angry?" Han asked Changbin concerned. "I wouldn't say 'angry' is the right word for it." Changbin replied holding in a smile. Han confused by Changbins reaction just walked away after Lee Know. "Probably best you give him a little space." Chan said stepping in front of Han. "Why? Did I do something wrong?" Han asked. "No I think he's just a little embarrassed at how flustered he got earlier during the game." Chan answered. "But that's normal, anybody would be embarrassed and uncomfortable having someone touch all over them. He shouldn't feel bad for that. I should apologize." Han said. "It's hard to explain, just trust me that he just needs to cool down a bit." Chan said as he threw his arm around Han and led him back towards the group. They piled in the two cars to head to their next schedule and Han got in and sat next to Lee Know like usual, forgetting that he was supposed to give him space. Lee Know glanced at Han and couldn't help but remember the feeling of his hands all over his body. His mouth got dry and his forehead damp as he imagined it. 'Snap out of it! You have to stop thinking like this, he is your friend and it was just a game.' Lee Know thought to himself. Lee Know shut his eyes tightly and rested his head against the car window as he thought 'Why did it have to be him of all people?'

As they sat in the car Lee Know tried to forget the whole thing and since the drive to their next destination was quite long he was able to eventually. Chan and Changbin in the very back seat were sharing AirPods and listening to a song they were working on. As they were preoccupied, Lee Know looked around to see Han's hand resting on the seat between them. Lee Know felt the urge to hold his hand but stopped himself. He then remembered what he had said to Han about how it was fine to just grab his hand whenever. Surely that means he can do the same. He thought about it but eventually chickened out of grabbing it fully and decided to subtly touch his hand instead. It was very dark in the car and Lee Know rested his hand on the seat between them on top of Han's hand. He waited for Han to react in someway but he didn't. He didn't pull away or grab his hand. He just sat there with his hand resting underneath Lee Knows. Chan glanced down and noticed their hands and nudged Changbin saying quietly "Quite bold of him." Changbin looked over the seat too and saw what Chan was referring to. Lee Know moved his hand and turned around quickly having heard what Chan had said. "What?" Lee Know asked in a guilty tone. "Oh I was talking about Han's rap in this new song, it's very bold." Chan said pointing to the AirPod in his ear. "Right. Of course." Lee Know said turning back to face forward with his hands in his lap this time. Chan looked at Changbin with wide eyes not believing he was able to pull off his lie. Changbin covered his mouth trying not to laugh.

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