Part 1

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"Ok the objective of the game is to raise the members heart rate and whoever can keep their cool is essentially our true lover, able to remain calm when bombarded with love." The staff said as all the Stray Kids members sat on the floor. "Does anyone else think it is kind of strange to be playing this game with a bunch of guys?" Hyunjin asked. "Yeah seems a bit sus." Seungmin replied laughing. "I'm just glad it's not me who has to wear the heart monitor. I'm easily flustered." Felix said cupping his cheeks. "Yes we know Felix, you are practically in love with everyone." Chan said laughing. "Hey! Not everyone! Just my Changbinnie hyung!" Felix said giggling and squeezing Changbins bicep. "What about me baby??" Han said fake pouting. "Oh you too baby!" Felix said embracing Han as they jumped up and down happily together. "You two are too much." I.N. said facepalming. "Who do you think will be able to keep their cool?" Hyunjin asked. "Who wouldn't be able to, none of you make my heart flutter that's for sure." Lee Know said in his typical tsundere fashion. Seungmin smiled a mischievous smile as he said "I was going to say I think you would do well to remain calm hyung but now I want to make sure you will lose since you are so cocky. How about we make this a little interesting?" "Go on." Lee Know said. "If I can keep my heart rate below yours, you owe me a favor, and vice versa if you win." Seungmin said sticking his hand out. "No way I'm agreeing to a bet as vague as 'you will owe me a favor.' Pass." Lee Know said. "Why? Are you scared you will lose?" Seungmin asked bringing his hand closer to Lee Know. "Just know your favor to me when I win, will be big." Lee Know said as he shook Seungmin's hand. They began to film for the tv show and a couple members went first and most people were just saying nice things to try and get people flustered and it worked for most eventually until it came time for Lee Knows turn.

People kept trying to compliment him and his heart rate wasn't budging at all. Seungmin leaned over and whispered something in Han's ear. Suddenly Han stood up saying "I will give you a kiss!" Lee Know laughed it off and even puckered up pretending to ready himself for a kiss on the lips. Felix moved to get a better view and Chan's face turned slightly serious. Han came behind Lee Know and wrapped his arms around his waist enveloping him in a tight back hug. Lee Know tried to keep a straight face as Han embraced him and was doing a fairly good job of keeping his cool. Han then kissed the back of Lee Knows neck. The kiss sent shivers down Lee Knows spine and he didn't react right away. It was actually a few seconds of Han's lips on his neck before he finally moved away from Han rubbing his neck in shock. He then tried to play it off with a look of disgust like 'how dare you.' But it was already too late. Everyone looked to his heart rate being displayed on the screen. What once said 80 was now showing 94. Changbin smiled wide and began to cheer for Han to keep going. Other members joined in the cheering. "Seungmin you too! Continue the love!" Changbin said. Seungmin went over to try and mess with Lee Know too but it was already clear that he was flustered. Seungmin then sat back with a smirk on his face watching Han continue. Lee Know tried everything to get his heart rate to calm down but was unsuccessful as Han then laid across Lee Know, pressing his chest into his back. Lee Knows heart rate continued to climb all the way to 100. Han got off of Lee Know and cheered as everyone congratulated him. But Lee Know just sat there in shock for a moment of what just happened. Seungmin watched as Han came to sit back down with the others, noticing that his ears were also very red and his face flushed as he sat there grinning. The camera crew took a break from filming and Seungmin smirked again standing up to greet Lee Know as he was coming back to the group. "Would you look at that hyung, highest number so far, Bravo." Seungmin said. "Keep gloating Kim Seungmin and I will get the tissues." Lee Know said with a scary expression on his face. Seungmin laughed nervously and sat back down.

The next scene they had to shoot was outside where they would have to confess to the winners of the previous rounds and the best would win the last spot in the lovers group. But the catch was that they had to include in their confession 5 words chosen at random from many word cards. Before they began filming the group discussed amongst themselves and the camera staff who they were going to confess to. "Oooh Lee Know ssi you should confess to Han ssi!" One of the female staffs said giggling. "Me? But I'm not even one of the lovers..." Han said confused. He and Lee Know looked at each other for a moment but their stare was interrupted with the loud giggles coming from the staff. Lee Know turned and walked with Han to one of the benches as he asked "What's up with them?" "I have no idea." Han said sitting down first. Lee Know then sat down right next to him with their thighs practically touching even though there was plenty of space on the other side of him near Chan. Han put his arm on the bench behind Lee Know subconsciously allowing him to lean closer. Whenever it was Lee Knows turn Han watched as he walked to pick his word cards and chose I.N. to be the one he confesses to. He couldn't help himself from staring, he was so excited to see Lee Know do a love confession. Lee Knows keywords were 'Rice bowl, malice, dog, jutdae and mistake.' The quick witted Lee Know came up with something as best as he could to connect these random words and he said to I.N. in a very serious and emotional tone "I've heard many things as I grew up, I have to care for my own food(rice bowl) with jutdae. So I'm about to make a mistake today. I'm full of malice to say this today. My puppy, please be my soulmate."

As Lee Know said his confession his eyes kept darting from I.N. to Han sitting behind him and he had to keep himself from laughing as he watched Han freak out. Han squealed and squirmed at the sight of romantic Lee Know, he was unable to contain himself and was clearly enjoying it more than any of the other members. You could visibly see his heart pounding in his chest because he kept holding his hands to his chest as he looked at Lee Know with longing eyes. Changbin smirked in Hans direction seeing how much Lee Knows confession was affecting him. In the end I.N. rejected Lee Know and Lee Know went back to sit by Han. As soon as he sat down Han leaned in and said "I didn't know you had that emotion in you, I would have picked you." "Yeah right, I know it was lame." Lee Know said scoffing. "No I really liked it." Han said seriously as he put his hand on Lee Knows knee and looked up at him with sweet, sparkling eyes. Lee Know felt his ears getting hot as he looked down to where Han's hand was on his leg. He desperately wanted to reach down and grab and hold Han's hand but knew he couldn't so in an effort to have some kind of contact he just scooted closer to him where their legs and shoulders were touching. Han removed his hand and put it behind Lee Know again in an almost invitational position, asking for Lee Know to move closer. The two of them always sat like this, it was their way to have subtle skinship but it wasn't so subtle since it always ended up making them look like a couple.

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