Chapter 2 - Kukyona Sonzai

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Lukas stood there, sweating a little bit, looking at his new roommate in fear since he looked taller than him. This teenager has tanned skin, though it was a lighter shade. His hair is somewhat neat but somewhat messy at the same time, being a brown mixed with tiny hints of red. His golden yellow eyes seemed really intimidating for Lukas since he looked like he could possibly be a killer or some sort. This teenager was also wearing white jeans, white tank top, a black t-shirt and a white bottom-up shirt with golden trimmed edge. The sleeves were also folded up to his elbows. 

This teenager looked at Lukas a little confused.

???: "What? Am I that scary, I'm using Glamour, right..?"

The teenager checked himself by lifting his arm, making him shrug. Lukas remembered what Tanigo said about the supernatural using Glamour to hide their full identities from other humans like himself, making him jump to the conclusion that he too is going to be part of the academy. 

???: "Huh, whatever, get in, I made food, hours ago."

The teenager begun walking inside, with Lukas snapping out of his stupor to head on inside, with him closing the door behind himself.

Sonzai: "Oh yeah, name's Kukyona Sonzai, nice to meet'cha Lukas!"

Sonzai put up a warm smile so Lukas could feel more comfortable in this situation.

Lukas: "P-Pleasure to m-meet you Kukyona Sonzai..."

Sonzai: "Please just call me Zai, my name is probably too long for an American human like yourself."

Lukas: "W-Wait... what..?"

Lukas felt like his world was spinning already, he wasn't sure if he was supposed to share to the supernatural that he is a human that was going to attend the academy for the supernatural, being the only normal human to ever attend. 

Sonzai: "Oh, Yagoo mentioned who you were. But I guess he didn't tell you huh? You don't have to worry, your secret is kept safe with me. Now put your suitcase down and go to the dining room and eat. The food is most likely cold by now."

Lukas was honestly confused at this point, feeling like a wreck, but he swallowed his fears and just nodded, putting his suitcase on a nearby couch and heading to the dining room where he saw the food that was sitting there. He could tell that it was Chinese food but he just sucked it up and picked up the plate.

Lukas: "I-Is there a microwave..?"

Sonzai: "Yeah, in the kitchen to your left."

Lukas then nods and quickly takes the plate to warm it up in the microwave. He inputted the timer he needed from what he could calculate. 

Sonzai: "Honestly I didn't know what you Americans eat anyways, so I just went with Chinese."

Lukas: "It's fine... We tend to eat a-anything at this p-point... even if we are picky.."

Sonzai: "I see. Well, I will be in my room if you need me."

Lukas just nods and Zai walks off to the second floor to his room. Once Lukas was done warming up the food, he went to the couch where his suitcase was, eating it with chopsticks as it was originally intended. The food wasn't the best he had ever tasted, but it was tasty enough to get his mouth watering. He ate through it at a relatively medium pace, not too fast or too slow, letting his mind wonder to many other places. 

He could judge that from Zai's perspective that he knows who he is, so he could possibly feel more comfortable being around him, but he wondered who Yagoo is. He then just jumped the gun and guessed that it might be Tanigo, but he was unsure. After thinking about that, he was wondering how he could even fit in with beings that technically could wipe him from existence, which sent shivers down his very spine, making him gulp the last bit of his food. He then took the plate to wash it and explored the cupboards trying to find where the plate was supposed to go. He managed to find the right one, putting it along with the others. 

He then went to grab his suitcase, realizing that he doesn't know where he was supposed to sleep, so he dragged it along, looking through the house trying to find a spare bedroom. Once he found it, he opened it up to see that it was not decorated or anything of the sorts. He sighed, glad that he found the right room on his first try. He plumped his suitcase on the bed, opening it up. He first took out his laptop, which he technically uses to research some things when he was unsure about it. He then starts unpacking his clothing, mainly his casual wears. He opened the closet and started packing it up with his clothes until he had no more to hang or fold in neatly. He then turned to his suitcase again, seeing that he found his academy attire that he is supposed to wear.

The attire was mainly neat black pants. A black blazer that had the symbol of the academy on its left side on a pocket that would mostly be used for possibly handkerchiefs in his opinion. The symbol was a golden colour. The shoes was a formal black pair and a black belt to finish the attire off. But the one thing that honestly confused him is that the attire would allow you to wear any type of shirt? He shrugs it off, so he could only worry about it in the morning. He hangs up his three full sets of the exact attire on right next to each other so he could keep track of them. 

After he sorted out his clothing, he then took out a few books, noticeably they appeared to be books that artists would have. He had a book for musical artists who wanted to get interested in the violin. A book about the history of paintings. And a book that seems to be his own, the cover mainly showed that this book was one that he draws in. He puts these books in the drawer that the side table that rests besides his bed has. He also puts the laptop on the side table as well to allow himself to see if he had anything else he needed to unpack. Surely enough, it was mainly a present that he got from his younger sister, a pendant of sorts. The metal was mainly giving off a silver-like colour while the gem in the middle was a bright and vibrant pink-purple colour. 

He remembered the reason why his younger sister gave him this pendant back two years ago. She mainly said that even though it was for his birthday, the colour of the gem reminded her of his eyes, the unique vibrant purple colouration. He smiled upon picking up the pendant, seeing that his sister was right, but frowned immediately afterwards remembering that his sister eventually followed suit on the hate train of his family towards him. He sighed, putting the pendant on the side table as well, closing the suitcase and putting it underneath the bed. 

Lukas: "Right... Everything seems to be done... Now that the sun has fully set, I guess it is better to just sleep in for the night..."

He then got onto his bed, not bothering to even change his clothing because he was just simply too tired to think about doing that. His eyes were slowly drifting to sleep until he was startled by the knocking on his door. He sat up immediately, looking at the door.

Sonzai: "Hey Lukas! You in there? There is something I need to share with you, it's about tomorrow."

Lukas: "O-Okay.. Come in..!"

Zai then entered the room, still in his Glamour since he knows that Lukas needs to get comfortable around him first before sharing his true form to him.

Sonzai: "Right, so what Yagoo mentioned to me yesterday was that I had to inform you about our academy's policy."

Lukas: "P-Policy..?"

Sonzai: "Yeah, so you could get used to the rules as soon as possible. I even did some research on your background. You're diligent with your work, so all you have to do is keep that in mind and you will do fine. But however, Yagoo didn't mention you to the other two cofounders. So to them you will be just an ordinary student within the academy. It may be the beginning of my first year as well, but they know me very well and I can tell you don't do well in social interactions. So the best thing I can say is that if you feel overwhelmed by my popularity, just tell me alright?"

Lukas wanted to say something else, but he bit his tongue and just nodded in response.

Sonzai: "Good, now get some sleep. We got a long first day tomorrow, plus I want to get there as soon as possible alright?"

Lukas: "I u-understand.."

Sonzai: "Good, goodnight."

Zai then leaves, closing the door behind himself. Lukas then just plops back down on the bed, just realizing how nerve-wracking it already is going to be. If Zai mentioned something that it was going to be a long first day, all he could do was just gulp, sweat and just sleep it off, hoping that Zai was slightly wrong. If only he knew, Zai wasn't... 

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