chapter 10 ✰

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dream stares at the ceiling. he debates getting up and going back to the bridge. he debates going right this minute. as he looks out the window, and then back at sleeping george, he decides he will stay. for george, only for him.

he sighs and falls back into a deep slumber, and when he wakes up, there's no say of what time it could be. maybe 3 pm, maybe 5 am, but it is dark outside.

dream calls for george, stretching his feet out. george opens the door with his foot. he's holding his phone, looking down at it.

"oh you're awake. what is it baby?" george asks, still looking at his phone.

"what time is it?" dream asks, sitting himself up. he peers out the window. he looks at all the cars driving by below.

"nearly 2 in the morning," george replies, plopping onto the bed. he slips his phone in his pocket. dream nods in silence. he opens his mouth to say something, then shuts it. george looks intently towards dream.

"how long was i asleep for?" dream asks, turning his head towards george.

"i let you sleep the entire day, you haven't slept at all this week," george says. "you've been up cutting yourself all these nights."

"shit," dream thinks to himself.

"you've been dissociated for so long..." george whispers quietly. he stiffs a cry. his eyes are watering as he looks at dream.

"i'm sorry," dream spits out in a whisper. "i'm so sorry."

dream is suddenly aware of the sting from all the cuts on his body. it comes all at once. he stands up and stretches his body.

"george looks so good..." dream thinks to himself. he reached out his hand slowly to george's jaw, and george only flinches slightly. "it's okay," dream reassures.

george stares up at dream, the light of the bright city shining across dream's dim face.

"you're so pretty," dream compliments so simply while the words roll off his tongue like any other sentence. george smiles up at dream, thankful for the dark of night.

george pulls dream down by the collar of his shirt and swiftly kisses his lips. dream lets out a flustered giggle and sits beside george.

"you're here, but you're not baby," george whispers to dream. "you're not here anymore..."

"i know," dream says. "i know." he holds george close, wishing he could be fully there.

"i have to go to the record store today," george says, slipping a white t-shirt over his head. dream is sat on george's bed, admiring george.

"can i come?" dream asks. he loves records, and he's never been to george's place of work. he's only heard about it.

"i don't see why not," george replies with a shrug. he tugs on a pair of black jeans. dream giggles as george struggles to tug the jeans onto his body. george flashes dream a smile.

as they walk to the record store, hand in hand, it begins to flurry of snow. george looks around the city and smiles.

"is this the way you come every day?" dream asks, shivering from the cold. he burrows his face into his coat.

"usually," george answers. "sometimes i go through central park though." dream grips onto george's hand a little tighter as a sharp gust of wind passes them. "it has prettier views than this boring old road."

dream nods simply and smiles towards the ground while they walk. the snow is on george's eyelashes and in his hair, and it makes him look gorgeous to dream.

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