chapter 6 ✰

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i'm stood in front of the mirror in my hallway. as i stare more at myself, the more it wants to make me cry and bash my head in.

my chest heaves up and down, up and down. i am angry with myself.

i feel tears of frustration begin to form in my eyes, the water pooling at the bottom, making it hard for me to see.

i smash my fist against the mirror, only leaving a little shatter of glass on the mirror. i do it again and again, smashing my fist even harder against the mirror, shattering it.

my fist is covered in small cuts pooling masses of blood into my hands. i'm also crying now.

i sink to the floor, sitting hopelessly like a small child. i sniffle, tears running down my cheeks.

i lower my head, looking into my lap. my fists hurt quite a lot now.

don't call george. you're just going to be attention seeking and you know it.

run the glass shards over your wrists.

do it.

"shut up..." i murmur. these voices are getting awfully loud.

shakily, i pick my phone up from the floor, as it had been in my opposite hand before breaking the mirror.

my hand is stinging by this point.

i unlock my phone and dial george's number, hoping and praying he'll just pick up.




"hi dream," george says softly, his tone sounds like he's smiling.

"h-hey..." i tremble, my voice still dearly unsteady.

tears still roll down my cheeks.

"dream what's wrong?" george questions my sadness of tone. i think if i were able to see his face his smile would've dropped.

"i... i need you to come over, like, now," i say. i begin to cry harder.

stop fucking crying. you're being such a baby.

stop showing your vulnerable side to george. he doesn't care.

suck. it. up.

"okay, i'll be there in at least 10 minutes, just... just stay safe alright?" george says, and in the background i can hear shuffling and keys.

"okay," i say and nod.

"i'll be there soon."

our telephone conversation ends and i begin to completely let my tears go, as if they weren't already streaming down my face.

i feel so stupid.

there's a knock at my door around 10 minutes after getting off of the phone with george.

i hear a turning of keys before the door bursts open, i'd forgotten we'd switched keys to have for each other's places.

"d-dream..." george says while he looks around for me before he makes his way to where i am.

he's stood above me, looking at this mess i've made.

i can't respond, i don't have words. i look down at my lap in utter shame of myself.

"wh-what the hell did you do? are you hurt badly? how did this happen?" his questions ramble into my ears.

my mouth opens as i look up at him except no words fall from my mouth. i can only give a shrug.

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